Fri, 03 Jan 2003 12:46:23 GMT
How To Become An Alpha Male In 18 Easy Lessons.
How To Become An Alpha Male In 18 Easy Lessons
My new book, How To Become An Alpha Male In 18 Easy Lessons, is almost out! I'm just trying to get one more back cover blurb to assure bestseller status. I know just the guy to call.
You should have seen me in the studio with my headphones on, recording the bonus CD, “Language Lessons for The Alpha Male” The publisher just told me we'll be giving the CD away with the book and that it will be conveniently slipped into a pocket at the end of the book, right after my bio page and right before the page that talks about the anxious moments I spent choosing the font Helvetica Bold, instead of the stately but lackluster Garamond.
This CD makes the book accessible to just about any male. With a few hours listening to the language lessons, your basic Beta, Gamma and Delta Men have a chance to go for the gold. Hell, even an Omicron Man can move his game into a whole new ballfield once he takes a listen to the section called “Vocabulary Builder: Dominant Male Grunting.” [Halley's Comment]
oh this is going to be a great gag gift