Mon, 19 May 2003 18:48:21 GMT
Browsing at the Art and Culture Automat. Cyberlicious: the Art and Culture Network. In a lo-brow search for “bubblicious”, I happened upon the hi-brow and highly browse-friendly, ACN. Why? Because “bubblicious” is one of its in-site “keyword” searches, describing that quality “shared by champagne, soap foam, hot air balloons, and gum… lighter than air, ephemeral, in a state of creative tension, colorful, beautiful, and amusing”, and returning results for movements such as “Pop/Surrealism/Anti-Design”, “Miniskirts”, “The Digital Era”, “Smarty Arty Pop” and “Glam Rock”, along with artists such as Mary Quant, The Ramones, Mariko Mori, Gene Kelly, and Mouse on Mars. (more…) [MetaFilter]
Digital art is good. Digital music is good, easy way to find excellent digital art and musis is good.