Tue, 24 Jun 2003 22:47:20 GMT
Candidate Kucinich gets a blog.. Candidate Kucinich gets a blog. Dennis Kucinich has jumped into the weblog arena, making his own posts and accepting comments. He even has an RSS feed. Kucinich's campaign is drawing the largest crowds of any candidate and is expected to perform well in the MoveOn Primary. Kucinich faces tough opposition from Dean, but his support for military budget cuts and tougher accounting practices set him apart from the other candidates. Studs Terkel says “Kucinich Is the One”, and Ralph Nader not only encouraged Kucinich to run, but invited him to speak on the Democracy Rising tour. Will Nader endorse the Kucinich campaign? Can Dennis move the Democratic Party to the left and bring the Greens back into the fold? [MetaFilter]
he is the only respectable left oriented candidate, the rest are all oriented toward the middle. the best part is that he is a progressive, which should make it interesting.