My First Entry

My First Entry: “

Welcome, dear reader, to my NervousFishblog.
These pages will contain my musing on many issues, spanning a diverse range of
concerns. However, the primary purpose I have in mind for this blog is to act
as a sort of public notepad for my PhD research. If you don’t know me, I am a
student of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. My main research
area is international relations theory and I am essentially interested in how IR
theorists think about Empire and

If you want to know more
about my academic background. please feel free to visit my main website at — Here you will be able to download
my CV as formatted for an academic audience. In the meantime, please do check
back on this site from time to time as I be frequently posting notes from my
research and other thoughts.

(Via NervousFishblog.)


apparently Mr. Kiersey…. has a blog……