My ongoing list of things I'm doing in priority order
Many people have always ask what I’m doing these days with my time, so i’ve decided to make public my ‘projects’ list so that people might see, that yes… I’m one busy bloke.
In order of priority:
A. I have to finish this.
A. Projects in Digital Archives
B. Library 2.0
3)Research and Publishing
A. Dach Paper (Accepted)
B. Jensen Paper (in draft)
C. International Handbook of Internet Research
I. Contracted
II. authors in order
a. need to contact authors with update
D. Learning Inquiry
I. first issue in development
E. Transdisciplinary Studies
I. first two books contracted
F. Interpretation in Policy Studies conference panel/proposal
G. Bowker Review
H. Museums and the Web proposal
I. Other
Human Affairs Paper?
Aera Proposal (submitted)
4s Proposal (Accepted)
Earli Proposal
MIT proposal
Political Economy of the Internet (on hold)
Social Software in the Academy (on hold)
Information for Social Change Paper (on hold)
Chandos Press proposal (in draft) (on hold)
Artefact paper (on hold)
4)Organizational work
I. work on codebase
II. Maintain server
E. Ethics In Second Life group
F. E-Science (on hold)
G. Global Learners project (on hold)
5. Other