Articles – Breakfast On Death Row – Mr What would you choose for your last meal if you were about to be executed? An interesting question. A fun question, if you don’t happen to be on death row. But is it possible that this question could offer insight into the criminal mind? In the […]
Read MoreNOT Ghetto Mess: onday, October 4th, 2004 ended a six-year dispute involving Sophia Stewart, the Wachowski Brothers, Joel Silver and Warner Brothers. Stewart’s allegations, involving copyright infringement and racketeering, were received and acknowledged by the Central District of California, Judge Margaret Morrow residing. Stewart, a New Yorker who has resided in Salt Lake City for […]
Read MoreBAD ATTITUDES: It ain’t just the money, honey.: Over the last 50 years, we in the west have enjoyed unparalleled economic growth. We have better homes, cars, holidays, jobs, education and above all health. According to standard economic theory, this should have made us happier. ———- yep, it isn’t really about the money. I’ll actually […]
Read MoreA Great Man Dies, Unheeded: George F. Kennan, who out-thought and outlived all the fools who outranked him, is dead at the age of 101. Being America’s wisest diplomat, he was of course misunderstood and ignored for most of his life. He lived to see… ———- i dunno… who knows, either he was brilliant or […]
Read MoreSchiavo: I’m going to take a contrary view on the Schiavo case. I actually agree with the callous sentiments of the RudePundit: she’s gone. There is no person there. Her cortex is a film of goo. It’s a sad story, but everyone has to face the fact that she’s never going to recover and what’s […]
Read MoreBuildings In About 12 Hours: Bringing me back to the days when I used to play C&C: Red Alert, a few engineers in London have devised a way to quickly erect cement structures in the field. The “building in a bag” is essentially “a sack of cement-impregnated fabric” that, with a little air and water, […]
Read MoreDigital Solidarity Fund for community computer projects launched in Geneva: A “Digital Solidarity Fund”, a voluntary financing mechanism designed to provide community computers, was launched today in Geneva, with United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan welcoming the initiative as contributing to the fight against poverty and bridging the information divide. —————– this is good news.
Read MoreReturn of the living meme: 1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A SECOND HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? well, i don’t have a first house yet, but a second house will be a cabin in the mountains for the summers. 2. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLES OF CLOTHING? black t-shirts 3. THE LAST CDs YOU […]
Read MoreWar Profiteers Card Deck: everyone should know who is making money from horrific deeds.
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