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Read MoreEdublog Revisited: In Edublog Revisited, Rochelle the wise muses on Educational Blogging: Long ago a small group of educators got together and formed a group called Edublog. The point, as I recall, was to create blogs for educational use; to promote the… ——– contrary to popular belief, there is no edublog initiative.
Read MoreSalary Clock | Check your real time earnings: http://salaryclock.com/ somewhat depressing.
Read MoreSalary Clock | Check your real time earnings: http://salaryclock.com/ somewhat depressing.
Read MoreJoel on Software – Advice for Computer Science College Students: “Without further ado, then, here are Joel’s Seven Pieces of Free Advice for Computer Science College Students (worth what you paid for them):” (Via .) worth a glance.
Read MoreA natural, low-tech solution to tsunamis: mangroves: “The coastal trees and shrubs saved hundreds of lives in India by protecting villages from the waves.” (Via Christian Science Monitor | World.) hah, i was just thinking about this last night…. well something very much like it.
Read MoreIndian Larry: “” (Via .)
Read MoreThe Seattle Times: Nation & World: Three storms threaten to strike U.S. at once: “Moisture-laden storms from the north, west and south are likely to converge on much of America over the next several days in what could be a once-in-a-generation onslaught, meteorologists forecast yesterday.” (Via .) i’ve not heard of it yet…
Read MoreThe Seattle Times: Nation & World: Three storms threaten to strike U.S. at once: “Moisture-laden storms from the north, west and south are likely to converge on much of America over the next several days in what could be a once-in-a-generation onslaught, meteorologists forecast yesterday.” (Via .) i’ve not heard of it yet…
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