classic jeep pulls out hung up hummer.
Read MoreSocialist Review: “” (Via .) it is pretty good, and i like his books too.
Read MoreWeebls Stuff – Toons: “” (Via .)
Read MoreDown and Out in Discount America: “Al Zack, who until his retirement in 2004 was the United Food and Commercial Workers’ vice president for strategic programs, observes that appealing to the poor was ‘Sam Walton’s real genius. He figured out how to make money off of poverty. He located his first stores in poor rural […]
Read MoreGuardian Unlimited | Arts features | ‘We have to protect people’ : “But more than one gay playwright is at a stake here. Allen claims he is acting to ‘encourage and protect our culture’. Does ‘our culture’ include Shakespeare? I ask Allen if he would insist that copies of Shakespeare’s sonnets be removed from all […]
Read MoreGuardian Unlimited | Arts features | ‘We have to protect people’ : “But more than one gay playwright is at a stake here. Allen claims he is acting to ‘encourage and protect our culture’. Does ‘our culture’ include Shakespeare? I ask Allen if he would insist that copies of Shakespeare’s sonnets be removed from all […]
Read | Chemistry of women: “MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Woman–Chemical Analysis “ (Via .) somewhat sexist, but all jokes like this are.
Read Morelab for social computing at rit: “Over on Many-to-Many I’ve made an announcement about a new Lab for Social Computing here at RIT….” (Via mamamusings.) ——- interesting project.
Read More“Successful” Class Blog: “Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more and more of this: I have to hand it to all of you, you’ve done an amazing job with keeping things fresh and real at the Class Blog this semester. If you remember, I started the semester with a plea to participate and a flat out declaration, […]
Read More“Successful” Class Blog: “Hopefully, we’ll be seeing more and more of this: I have to hand it to all of you, you’ve done an amazing job with keeping things fresh and real at the Class Blog this semester. If you remember, I started the semester with a plea to participate and a flat out declaration, […]
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