The New York Times > Science > With Great Beer, It’s All in the Rocks (and That Doesn’t Mean Ice): “When commercial beer making started in the 19th century in Europe, brewmasters came across a problem similar to those experienced by the Andean brewers, that the beer spoiled easily. Yet there were places that were […]
Read MoreMLM #33: “I’m fairly often asked by people from some corner or other of the media to suggest to their readers/listeners/viewers how I think couples can keep their relationships springy and vibrant. It seems to me that the secret turns out to be for both your minds to harbour the barely-covered suspicion that the other […]
Read MoreAngster (n). angsters are people who as part of the blogworld or whatever world they might think they exist in, proceed to express angst. Ongoing, and indeterminate of cause, though any given cause is the cause of the moment, angsters spew their worries and feelings about it for their audience, their people, or frequently just […]
Read Moreols-master: “” (Via .)
Read More2005 OII Doctoral Programme . They are indeed going to Beijing! and the applications system is open.
Read Moredon’t tax, spend anyway: “ Why oh why is this administration so bent on flagrantly irresponsible tax cuts? snip The real problem with these torrential deficits is not that Japan and China might decide to stop buying our bonds and so dislocate the economy, not any arcane calculations about trade deficits and the domestic interest […]
Read Moredon’t tax, spend anyway: “ Why oh why is this administration so bent on flagrantly irresponsible tax cuts? snip The real problem with these torrential deficits is not that Japan and China might decide to stop buying our bonds and so dislocate the economy, not any arcane calculations about trade deficits and the domestic interest […]
Read MoreNot surprising to most of my readers: ” Interesting entry over atThe Well-Timed Period: the risk of death to men taking Viagra is 6/100,000. Do y’all remember the young woman, Holly Patterson, who died last year after (from?) taking RU-486? There’s been a few recent stories about moves to ban, or at least ‘clearly’ label […]
Read MoreSkills Shortage Could Mean Growing Pains for Open Source: “In a survey released by Forrester Research, 57 percent of those using Linux or open-source software said their biggest concern was lack of support; 36 percent said it was a lack of skills or knowledge. Of the respondents who weren’t using Linux or open-source software, 55 […]
Read MoreSTUFF – STORY – HOME : New Zealand’s leading news and information website: “About 50 supporters watched as the 31-year-old, who was sexually violated by a man earlier this year, painted a 7-metre by 2.5-metre billboard with a plea to parents to tell their sons not to rape, stripped off her clothes and doused herself […]
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