Will Academics Start Fleeing California?. Already the “buzz” among philosophers is that the election of the absurd Schwarzenegger, in a state already facing enormous problems,… [The Leiter Reports: Editorials, News, Updates]
Read MoreTuesday Afternoon arrive Tuesday Dinner Scheduled Wednesday Morning Ethics Workshop Wednesday Exec Meeting/Dinner Thursday morning Give Presentation Friday BOF Open Source Friday General Meeting then Exec Meeting Part Deux Saturday BOF Internet Security Saturday Conference Dinner Sunday Morning Brunch Sunday Afternoon wander around toronto Monday morning Leave So i have all my lunches free right […]
Read Morewho pays, who gets excluded because of that. in fact the most of the time it is just a new version of the same old systematic exclusion of people, in this case medical researchers, and the politics surrounding that can be extraordinarily problematic.
Read MoreBOFH makes a hardware call. Episode 23 Bloody maintenance companies [The Register]
Read MoreRageboy on IRC. After listening to me talk about the virtues of IRC, Rageboy sent me a link to something he wrote in 1996 about IRC and the future of discourse. As you can imagine, it's very funny. Comments (0) Trackbacks (0) [Joi Ito's Web] ——- this is great stuff, hilarious and as true as […]
Read MoreHot and Cool, Baby! ~ Post-Marshall McCluhan. Raumpatrouille meets Art. Art meets Raumpatrouille. This gallery of Shag Paintings comes inspired by an entry in the cleverly made Eye of the Goof weblog. Fab. Another Raumpatrouille Fan! [The Cartoonist] [The Mediaburn Radio Weblog] these are some cool shags!
Read Moretoday i finished paying off my credit card debt from grad school, which i shouldn't have run up, but i was younger and less wise to the world of credit, but now it's all gone, no more done, yippee!
Read MoreResearch List of Lists. Research List of Listshttp://www.aoir.org/list.php A very comprehensive list of lists related to research. Listservs® have been available on the Internet for years and still represent the number one way of staying current on the areas of your profession even though RSS feeds are breathing down their necks! [Marcus P. Zillman, M.S., […]
Read MoreInternet pioneers. Scott Griffin's masters project features enjoyable bios of internet pioneers. [Seb's Open Research]
Read Morele petit mort. Weblogging, the fad most poplular amongst teenage girls, is dying. The “blogosphere” will number ten million souls by the end of 2004, but almost all of them will be dead. [MetaFilter]
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