maybe not the best internet statistics out there, but interesting enough.
Read MoreAnswering Thomas' Question. Thomas Roessler asks a question in his blog – “What kind of innovation should be encouraged (or dicouraged)“? Let me answer that by citing my First Law of the Internet: (See my blog entry at The First Law of the Internet Every person shall be free to use the Internet in […]
Read MoreInformation on the Assembly Line. Rats…it's a class night, and I've got to catch up on a couple chapters. So I can't do much more than make a quick blog entry for Jason Nichols' very intriguing looking masters thesis called Information on the Assembly Line (subtitled A review of Information Design and its Implications for… […]
Read MoreMichael Polanyi & Tacit Knowledge. We can know more than we can tell. Consider The Tacit Dimension by
Read MoreBERLIN (Reuters) – German women fed up with their partners' grumbling on weekend shopping trips can now dump them at a special kindergarten for men offering beer and entertainment. ——- i shop differently than many people, in that i don't really shop. i tend to identify a category of things that i need or want, […]
Read MoreVog Exhibition. Two of my vogs have been accepted for the forthcoming Slowtime…QuickTime as an artistic medium show. As an academic who apparently is developing some sort of artistic practice I find it odd to send my work to these sorts of… [Vlog 2.1] —— video logs are interesting phenomena.
Read Morehe contributed to many fields, wrote many interesting books including amusing ourselves to death,technopoly, and teaching as a subversive activity. he passed away sunday evening. the obituaries started appearing wednesday night nyt: toronto star:
Read MoreEC offering a billion euros for ICT research. From a European Commission news release, 29 Sept: “The Union's priority for R&D in Information Society Technologies (IST) aims to bring technologies closer to people, ensuring that all Europe's citizens and businesses can, and actually do benefit from technological advance…[The]… []
Read MoreHallucinogenic “tablets” hit Baghdad? [bOing bOing] —— is this really happening or did someone start broadcasting fox news there too?
Read MoreDeflating the Blog Bubble: this guy is soooooo right….: During one of the Saturday sessions a member of the audience referred to the assembled crowd as “utopia”. Now, yes, I loved the blog camaraderie but quite frankly I don't want to be the only black person in utopia. I was the only black person in […]
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