Monkey business. While Liz may find herself questioning the force of her arguments while finishing up the AIR paper, I myself have… [Blog de Halavais]
Read MoreHalley Gets Joi. Halley successfully Stealth Disco'ed Joi Ito at BloggerCon — and, brazen woman that she is, continued discoing after he noticed. . . . Check it out…. [AKMA’s Random Thoughts]
Read More2003 MacCarthur Fellows. The MacCarthur Foundation has announced the 2003 winners of what has come to be known as its “genius” grants–5 years… [The Leiter Reports: Editorials, News, Updates] Very snarky post from Leiter, who seems to think that philosophical genius is general genius, when was the last time that the people that are chosen […]
Read MoreInfographics. Those who like to learn about and ponder world affairs through the graphical representation of data will enjoy these posters presented by the International Networks Archive at Princeton. [Crooked Timber]
Read MoreKickass Women. Tina and four of her grad school friends are working on reviving their pre-days-of-blogging blog, Kickass Women. It doesn't mean that Tina is abandoning her EYV digs with me. We like having a blog together. It does mean that she'll… [Eat Your Vegetables]
Read MoreAnother Top 100 films. Another Top 100 films, but this is the product of Tv Cream and is more special (and I'd hazard closer to our opinions) than the usual lists. I won't give away the top film but if I mention that 'Psychomania', 'The Belles of St Trinians', 'The President's Analyst' and 'Time Bandits' […]
Read MoreThe Senate Starts To Grow A Spine. “Up to now, it’s been like Dodge City before the marshals showed up.” — Senator Ron Wyden (D-Or.) speaking of the Administration’s contracting practices in Iraq as the Senate voted to require open bidding on Iraq-related contracts.Of course it’s just a small growth of spine, as Iraq is […]
Read MoreServo Magazine. Servo Magazine. The venerable magazine of record for wireheads and hardware hackers everywhere, Nuts & Volts, is about to launch a new mag called Servo, dedicated to robotics. Nuts & Volts has always had strong coverage of robotics and embedded systems, and has done magazine supplements on amateur robotics, so given their beat […]
Read Moreno order should dissuage marriage amongst willing participants, though if the service does not want it, it should allow honorable discharge. love and as such marriage is not a decision of rules, doesn't anyone read romeo and juliet anymore?
Read MoreExtinction. Lions in Africa are getting close to extinction. In fact, all the big alpha predators are in trouble. It may only be a matter of time before all the mega species disappear from the wild. [MetaFilter]
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