scary quotes from the @stake CTO firing As an example of the kind of behind-the-scenes influence that large vendors have, Geer cited his efforts to find an academic security expert or two to sign on to the paper on software diversity. After contacting nine people and striking out each time, he gave up. “All of […]
Read MoreOSAF receives $2.75 million in grants to fund Higher Education version of Chandler. It's curious to me that OSAF would want to do this, considering that the education requirements are almost opposite from the vision for Chandler 1.0. I also wonder why universities would back Chandler when it looks like Glow could meet their requirements […]
Read Moreapparently, rush limbaugh via espn has said something to the regard that particular quarterbacks are overrated and that while these quarterbacks are not white, their skin color has nothing to do with it…. and worse, provides no other justification of his judgement. if he wasn't thinking, 'perhaps race has something to do with his judgement', […]
Read MoreGuardian's Borger Names Rove. Via Atrios: The Guardian's Julian Borger says that journalists are privately naming Karl Rove as the source of the CIA-Valerie… [TalkLeft: The Politics of Crime] —— well in case you weren't pretty sure, people are starting to speak about it.
Read Morethis is the link to my quicktime video stream, sometimes it's on, sometimes it's not
Read MoreIdeological Games: September 12th. Gonzalo Frascaâs Newsgaming outfit has posted the September 12th game. It is quite interesting, but I think it has the problem that I wrote about earlier, that its ideology has a cartoonish clearness (the war on terror is evil, end of story). I like to see doubt in things like these. […]
Read Moreincluding this one and others, well maybe…. I've not seen anyone read it linking from there yet, so we'll see, but a nice blogback is always nifty.
Read Morebecause i maintain the servers that the Feminist Theory Website exists on, and defacto i support that project(and if anyone wants to help do updates let me know, it's an open project), i occasionally get interesting things sent to me, like I'm subscribed to women without borders or frauen ohne grenzen, which sent me an […]
Read MoreOSI layers. For reference purposes: links to explanations of the OSI network layer model. • (easy to read, different aspects in different chapters) • (bare… [Fragments] somewhere i saw a paper on why the osi model failed to capture the hearts and minds of designers, hmmm…. where was that…
Read MoreICANN: regional mutiny brewing?. A posting on ICANN Watch by Milton Meuller draws attention to a move by regional DNS registries to develop a framework for cooperation that could become an alternative to ICANN. The registries involved are the Asia Pacific Network Information Centre,… []
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