Diebold controversy. Declan McCullagh's Politech pointed to an article on the Daily Kos concerning Diebold. Seemingly Diebold forced a website, BlackBoxVoting.org, offline. The domain now appears to be back on, though resolving to a different URI (http://www.talion.com/blackboxvoting.org.htm) – I am unsure whether this is a new development. According to the site: After 15,000 internal memos […]
Read Moreauthor of Orientalism and many other interesting books and essays has been extremely ill and has passed away. his voice of reason was a significant bonus in crosscultural and crossnational interests in the middle east and the u.s. he will be missed.
Read MoreMy job! Mine! Mine!. I found the job I want. Here it is. I can’t have it, of course, because I have a ways to go for my MLS… but I am telling you, that is my job right there. We wants it, precious, we wants it, we does! (As long as they’ll let… [Caveat […]
Read MoreNLII – Educause Learning Ecosystems. Quote: “The NLII has argued that institutions of higher education operate within a sociotechnological context, and, as communication and knowledge technologies change, that context changes. Sometimes the implications are not straightforward. For example, because of new developments in technology, students can have more direct access to information without having to […]
Read MoreYou want hijacking? You want piracy?. I give you VeriSign. Elliot Noss explains, in terms of stewardship, which VeriSign has, and is violating. He should know. He's the president & CEO of Tucows, and knows more about all this stuff than just about anyone else on Earth. [The Doc Searls Weblog]
Read MoreICANN: Verisign has Created Internet 'Instability'. ICANN: Message from Security and Stability Advisory Committee to ICANN Board. VeriSign's change appears to have considerably weakened the stability… [Dan Gillmor's eJournal] ——- moreon the icann-verisign debacle, i imagine the debate as two four year old boys arguing over who owns a rock, mine, mine mine, etc. etc. […]
Read Morei am not really a member of the ietf intellectual property rights working group anymore, i sort of swore off of it when i did a rough count of the overwhelming corporate interest seemingly voting as a block. in any case, it looks like they are beginning the process of silencing a few critics on […]
Read MoreMy inner child is ten years old! The adult world is pretty irrelevant to me. WhetherI'm off on my bicycle (or pony) exploring, lostin a good book, or giggling with my bestfriend, I live in a world apart, one full ofadventure and wonder and other stuff adultsdon't understand. How Old is Your Inner Child? brought […]
Read Morethis is the sort of story that brings back images of the social differentiation in trickle down economics, deficit spending, etc. this gentleman is going to be in a world of hurt for years because of the boom-bust economics that the current regime sponsors.
Read MoreBreaking the silence. Breaking the silence Last night ITV1 in the UK ran a documentary that is unlikely to be shown in the USA. It is by a respected journalist called John Pilger and amongst other tidbits it shows Colin Powell saying in 1991 that Iraq poses no threat and also Condoleeza Rice confirming the […]
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