more on tompaine, but here are some: $87b Is More Than The Combined Total Of All State Budget Deficits In The United States The Bush administration proposed absolutely zero funds to help states deal with these deficits, despite the fact that their tax cuts drove down state revenues. [Source: Center on Budget and Policy Priorities] […]
Read Morepeople have been looking on the bright side of economic recovery for a few months now, but i'm still doom and gloom, why? because i see the personal debt load that people carry, it's ruinous, this story from yahoo illustrates the point.
Read MoreLicensing Internet users?. Wired News picked up this provocative thinkpiece from the Associated Press (no author credited): “A virus ,pfouls your computer and you haplessly pass it on. Advertising software loads stealthily on your machine. Your password gets stolen because of your negligence…. [] —— here's a little question, knowing what you know about the […]
Read Morei have books, food, and a flashlight, I'm set! but other people have somewhat different needs, so check to make sure your ok, cause wunderground said that it will affect the burg to some extent.
Read Morewell i don't know if this is really worst posting, but it is a first, i just made the most popular of the day listing for radio userland, my referrers look fairly normal except for a few extra hits do to misspelled research article. which is strangely popular, and i don't know why, but thanks […]
Read More“Academic Freedom Bill of Rights”. The fury of the ex-smoker towards smokers is matched only by the fury of the ex-New Leftist towards anyone to… [The Leiter Reports: Editorials, News, Updates] —– well, this Academic Freedom Bill of Rights looks a lot like a removal of rights of academic freedom, sure it seems fine and […]
Read MoreWhat labor shortage?. Experts at Wharton find that conventional wisdom about the impact of a smaller baby bust and an aging population of boomers is misleading–if not outright wrong. [CNET – Front Door] We will not have a labor shortage. Productivity increases make it more likely that high unemployment may continue for some time […]
Read MoreSoon to be the Software-Developing World. Dan Gillmor is back from Africa with a column on Open source in the developing world. Here's the conclusion: …this may be one arena where Microsoft simply can't compete, fairly or not. Barring a dramatic change in attitude, product and price from the world's largest software company, open source […]
Read MoreAoIR now has a Cafepress store, nifty. Some fun swag.
Read MoreInnovating in a Connected World. I recently read Bhaskar Chakravorti's book “The Slow Pace of Fast Change: Bringing Innovations to Market in a Connected World.” There is an interview with him in Ubiquity [link via Viswanath Gondi]. A few quotes: [E M E R G I C . o r g]
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