BloggerCon IRC details. I just posted BloggerCon IRC details over at the BloggerCon 2003 Weblog. This includes a link to my experimental simple OS X IRC client written in Python & PyObjC. (Currently it's so simple it only lets you into #bloggercon…) [Epeus' epigone]
Read MoreKeynote vs. the Web. I see that Sam Ruby has posted his excellent slide set from the Seybold show; they are about as thorough and concentrated an introduction to the syndication universe as anything I‰¥úve seen anywhere. I won‰¥út be posting either my slides or those by Bill Humphries, because Keynote won‰¥út let me. That‰¥ús […]
Read Moreis IT really a solution to poverty?. [infosophy: socio-technological rendering of information] ——- another good question from mentor…. IT cannot solve anything. People create poverty, not technologies, access to technologies and/or usage of technologies cannot as such change anything, though inarguably it can raise the standard of living, but that usually means only that a […]
Read More[Andrew sez No, That's Not Gibberish. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch…. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer is at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed […]
Read MoreThing to worry about #132. Super Volcano – Not to worry thought, we know the right solution: tax cuts for upper income brackets and the distruction of the welfare state…. [Ascription is an anathema to any enthusiasm] —– this is the sort of massive natural disaster that i can't bring myself to worry about in […]
Read Morethis is an interesting little site that lets you look at market demographics for zip codes, though some zip codes are not present in it. notably 17731, eagles mere, pa.
Read MoreChina's High-Tech Standards. Ninad points to a WSJ article which discusses how China is wanting to set its own standards for Mobile-3G, digital TV and DVD technologies. Ninad's analysis of the reasons: (1) It places China at equal footing with some of the western nations (US, UK & Scandinavian) and Japan, in developing new technology […]
Read MoreIT and Productivity. The Economist has two articles [1 2] on how American productivity has grown rapidly, and the role of technology. A puzzle [in the American economy] is why productivity accelerated over the past three years at the same time as IT investment fell. After all, a host of studies have concluded that most […]
Read MoreGovernments and Open-Source. The Economist writes: Across the globe, governments are turning to open-source software which, unlike proprietary software, allows users to inspect, modify and freely redistribute its underlying programming instructions. Scores of national and state governments have drafted legislation calling for open-source software to be given preferential treatment in procurement. Brazil, for instance, is […]
Read More24 Hour PLATO People. It does not get any more 'L33+ or 0LD SK00L than the PLATO system, the O.G. of social software. It looks like PLATO may get some of the recognition it deserves, from a book-in-progress called PLATO People: The PLATO system, started way back in 1960, was developed as a technological solution […]
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