7th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers. The 7th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers is coming up next month. White Plains, New York. (Thanks, Jay!) [Smart Mobs] i would think that this would be a larger conference…
Read MoreReread One Of Dave Barry's Best. With the anniversary, now is a good time to remember just how amazing Americans can be when they take up the fight. The passengers on Flight 93 did not need a centralized authority to tell them what to do, did not need to be reminded what the consequences would […]
Read Moreapparently google has me in the top 10 for pennsylvania food because i've reposted two central foods in pennsylvania, scrapple and birch beer, which of course should not be taken together when driving on long twisty roads you used to be able to get both at the dutch pantry restaurant
Read MoreDiscussion Board Revitalization Kit: Wooden Stake? Weird Costumes? Magic Pansy Juice?. I love what James Farmer has to say about the Discussion Board. I mean, how many of us have started out feeling fairly enthusiastic about participation and posting, just to watch the dog roll over and play dead. All the factors he mentions – […]
Read MoreSeptember 12th. As September 11th approaches and we are confronted with difficult memories and emotions, its important to keep in mind all the good in the world. September12th.org is self-organizing social movement with a simple mission: each participant commit to making 10… [Ross Mayfield's Weblog] 12 smiles is always easy, i've found that usually i […]
Read Morewell, I've had netscape enterprise server docs and iplanet server docs since '98 when i last had it running. To the best of my knowledge the last server at this university using that technology was taken offline this july so there is no need for this expertise and knowledge base anymore. sad to say that […]
Read Morepomes, places, and todolists are all gone from my blog now
Read MoreAssessment of 5 leading open source CMS from Commonwealth of Learning. Not sure how this one got past me, must have been the summer doldrums, but back in June this report commissioned by the Commonwealth of Learning evaluating the field of current open source course management systems was released. It provides a fairly extensive analysis […]
Read MoreLinux and Microsoft in Brazil. WSJ writes that “President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is finalizing a policy recommending that federal ministries, agencies and state enterprises install open-source software, such as Linux, instead of proprietary software, such as Microsoft's Windows, in new computer equipment. Sergio Amadeu, Mr. da Silva's information-technology adviser, says the goal is […]
Read MoreIt's the (Military Industrial Complex's) Economy, Stupid. The nervous nellies in Congress just don't get it. As soon as they see the price tag they start whining… [Fanatical Apathy] oil, oil, oil, oil, …. oil, oil, oil, oil, …. you get the picture, spend a little now, control iraqi reserves leverage that to break the […]
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