Hi! You've been indexed: http://www.gustavholmberg.com/stsblogs/ All the best /Gustav Holmberg Research Policy Institute / History of Science Department, Lund University, Sweden — I guess I've been indexed, and yep, when i go check, there this blog is…. 'sgood
Read Moresocial software reading list. Some of my colleagues have asked for a summer reading list of books related to social software. This is not… [mamamusings] I would add to this the corpus of actor network theory….
Read Morewell, I'm back online again, cause my laptop is back, woo hoo. i could have moved everything over to a different computer, but as this we in the shop 2 times within a week, i figured i could wait on it, just so people would know that occasionally there are hardware problems with g4 titaniums, […]
Read Moredac papers available. All the DAC papers are now freely available online, says the conference blog. (Oh what a relief to be able to type in links fast with the slashes and angle brackets in the familiar places on my Norwegian keyboard.)… [jill/txt] nifty, more free knowledge and commentary
Read MoreAccidents Do Happen. If you're not an Accidental Systems Librarian, perhaps you're an Accidental Webmaster. I'm sure one of your many hats is accidental…. [via beSpacific] [The Shifted Librarian] this is a handy looking book
Read MoreWeapons Destroyed. Don Rumsfeld takes a new line and argues that the Iraqi government may have destroyed its WMD arsenal before the war began. Well, I suppose that's a possibility, but I don't see how he can rule out the much more… [Matthew Yglesias] there would still be evidence of their destruction and of their […]
Read MoreClosing up holes. A couple weeks ago, I figured it was only a matter of time before iTunes disabled Internet sharing. That was quick. [A Whole Lotta Nothing] grrr, i wonder why they did this, it was a great feature…..
Read MoreConsumer Report on Computers. The most reliable computer you can buy is… June's Consumer Reports surveyed 39,000 readers and…dare I say it? That not said, how reliable are reliability reports? [MetaFilter] ok, apple wins, and I've had alot of experience with apples, and they are great computers with great service, and I've needed alot of […]
Read MoreCommand-Line Email. 27 May 2003: O'Reilly tells us about the history ofemail.”Email's mode of transmission is based on 7-bit ASCII. In other words, early Internet communication was only 128 characters – specifically numbers and letters – that we use in English. Hence no Icelandic, Chinese, Hebrew or Greek, to name a few languages. Also, there […]
Read MoreWe don't need no stinkin' Geneva Convention. We don't need no stinkin' Geneva Convention – US plans death camp – plans to turn Guantanamo Bay's Camp X-Ray into a death camp are in the works. [MetaFilter] umm, no, this should not happen. They should be brought to the U.S. for the regular round of criminal […]
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