“Higher Ed in a Down Economy”. “Frank” at Frank Admisssions is linking to an NPR series entitled “The Ivory Tower in the Real World,” which carries the suggestive subtitle “Higher Ed. in a Down Economy.” Today's installment (which presumably will soon be available as an audiofile):… [Invisible Adjunct] tenure is supposed to be protection, true, […]
Read MoreTim Bray: The Death of Scholarship?. Quote: “I'm not against Web search; I use Google several times per day myself. But I think somebody really needs to get out there and exercise some leadership and dress up the world's scholarly information sources, including by the way most of our intellectual history, so that ordinary people […]
Read MoreBloki is “a Web site on which you can create Web pages, right in your browser, with no additional software required. Think of it as a word processor for the Web.” [Scripting News] [A blog doesn't need a clever name] this looks like an interesting bit of software….
Read MoreThe Orphans of Invention: Something more than jobs were lost in the Internet bust. It has to do with people and history, with what might be called industrial memory. By Ellen Ullman. [New York Times: Opinion] [A blog doesn't need a clever name] we also lost, significantly, alot of intellectual property that went into someones […]
Read MoreThe Oracle of Starbucks. The Oracle of Starbucks. (via chemaccino) [MetaFilter] just try to put in any reasonable drink like a red eye or black coffee, or cappuccino, or espresso and see what you get….
Read MoreGood 'ol Dr. Who. Have you seen the episode of “Dr. Who” written by the late Douglas Adams, that was done completely in Flash animation? [MetaFilter] i like the good doctor, but not all doctors are equal….
Read MoreElectronic Literature Organization. The Electronic Literature Organization, of which I have been a director since its foundation, has ceased to make any positive contribution to the field and has, instead, become an active impediment and a continuing embarrassment. [Mark Bernstein] This is an interesting development. I tend to think that if ELO is locating itself […]
Read MoreJeremy Zawodny: E-mailing myself. Quote: “Am I the only one who does this? I get an idea (sometimes via browsing or a suggestion from someone on IM) and don't want to lose it. But I also don't want to be interrupted by taking my hands off the keyboard. So I just send myself a quick […]
Read MoreRobert Reich Warns Against Graduate School. Both the AccidentalAdmin at the Financial Aid Office and King at SCSUScholars are linking to this opinion piece by Robert Reich: This spring's college graduates are entering the worst job market in 20 years. With few good jobs on the… [Invisible Adjunct] yep, well, this has always been the […]
Read MorePopTech Speakers' List Announced. The speaker list for this year's Poptech (October 16 – 19) is quite a roster again, including Larry Lessig, DeWayne Hendricks, Virginia Postrel and Moira Gunn. After last year's Conference (which I blogged) I was so blown away that I immediately signed up for the 2003 meeting. I can see that I […]
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