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Read MoreAppalshop. The Appalshop, nestled in the hills of coal-stained eastern Kentucky, was founded in 1969 as a War on Poverty project designed to train young people in Appalachia for jobs in film and television. Today, it flourishes as one of the premier cultural outposts of a proud and struggling swath of America. Its projects include […]
Read MoreThe iX104, Xplore's rugged Tablet PC. Christopher Coulter tips us off to the new Xplore iX104, a rugged Tablet PC that's really made by Wistron. The iX104 is designed to withstand a lot of abuse, and can handle extreme temperatures and humidty, a four-foot drop onto concrete, and being submerged in water. As far as […]
Read MoreThe Robotic Cannonball Run. The route? A 250-mile course between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. The date? March 13th, 2004. The prize? A million dollars? Wired News article on the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency's Grand Challenge, a road race in which all the contestants have to be “autonomous motor vehicles” that can drive and […]
Read MoreIf there's a Hell below, we're all gonna go. The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished me to the Sixth Level of Hell – The City of Dis. Detailed report… [Kieran Healy's Weblog] I was in the City of Dis too 🙁 actually on the #humanism channel on the undernet irc network there was some competition […]
Read MorePrivate Vices and a Just Society. Posted by The Happy Tutor In 1714 Mandeville's Fable of the Bees demonstrated that Private Vices are Public Benefits. Whether Wall Street, a Casino, a Bondage Bordello, or a Gin Mill, not only greed but all vices are good for business. But are they good for us? (RE: Bill […]
Read MoreBorges resources. From Abbasids to Zur Linde: A Borges Dictionary (pdf) ; Fantastic Zoology: a graphical interpretation of Borges' “Book of Imaginary Beings” (Edward Gorey would have been interesting); The Intruder: A Borges story in eight games. To refute him is to become contaminated with unreality [MetaFilter] You have to like borges, well you don't […]
Read Morewhat we need is a tv show that satirizes reality tv by being about the production of a reality tv or similar concept show. so the show about the show, not the show itself, is the show. It would be hilarious, you could entitle it 'the making of' or some other representation of the medium […]
Read MoreThe saving of pte Lynch. More on the “bullshit the American public” saga. The real saving of Pte Lynch. [MetaFilter] this looks like an interesting presentation of the case, but be careful, someone might be misrepresenting their understanding of the truth…..
Read MoreRobots Have Feelings Too – a group art show. Robots Have Feelings Too is a group art show at the Culture Cache gallery in San Francisco through mid-May. It features work by more than 60 established and emerging artists, illustrators, cartoonists and graffiti writers. The online exhibit is fun to surf, with samples and biogs […]
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