Genderplay: Successes and Failures in Character Designs for Videogames. How do gendered elements of character design impact gameplay? [game girl advance] Interesting, now is the hypersexualization really the problem? or is there a nascent appeal toward stabile identities…. is there a problem or does the theory and assumptions make us believe there is…..
Read MoreEthical rudders. It seems I am more ethically aligned with Kant than with Nietzsche. News to me! This according to the Ethical… [Blog de Halavais] 1.Ê Jean-Paul Sartre ÊÊ(100%) 2.Ê Nietzsche ÊÊ(92%) 3.Ê David Hume ÊÊ(87%) 4.Ê Thomas Hobbes ÊÊ(77%) 5.Ê Nel Noddings ÊÊ(75%) 6.Ê Aristotle ÊÊ(73%) 7.Ê Epicureans ÊÊ(68%) 8.Ê Aquinas ÊÊ(67%) 9.Ê Stoics […]
Read MoreDogma tagging. Mitch Ratcliffe: Invisible Dogmas. A long, very thoughtful piece. The penultimate paragraph: Simply put, the source of dogmas is our own laziness about addressing systemic issues in our organizations and in recording the reasons we do things within a company. We opt, for instance, for ÒcollaborationÓ software to make people collaborate instead of […]
Read MoreThe Cornell University Library has scanned 441 his …. The Cornell University Library has scanned 441 historical monographs (about 160,000 pages) and put them online free of charge. While all the monographs are in the public domain, Cornell claims a copyright “in the images, underlying encoded text, selection, indexing, and display of materials” and authorizes […]
Read MoreElizabeth Gadd, Charles Oppenheim, and Steve Probe …. Elizabeth Gadd, Charles Oppenheim, and Steve Probets, Self-Archiving: The 'Right' Thing? An Introduction to the RoMEO Project, SCONUL Newsletter, Winter 2002. From the introduction: [FOS News] Interesting project…. but I'm not sure if their methods really will generate the posiiton that would allow movement for or against…. […]
Read MoreMother of invention. How the Mosaic browser triggered a digital revolution. [CNET] How many remember Mosaic? The first time I saw it running was on a Mac in the Graduate Student Union's office at Trinity College, and I was just blown away. Thanks to 1) being a student with academic access to computers, and […]
Read MoreRocket Roadmap Project. Rocket Roadmap Project (large EC funded project): full title doesn't say it well, description too, but I see focus on KM/e-learning connections :) [Objectives] Rocket will prepare a strategic roadmap for future developments in organisational learning relevant to the education of engineers and knowledge workers. […]How to link knowledge management (KM) at the level of an […]
Read MoreLearning webs. Sebastian Fiedler writes about Learning Webs and comments on technologies that would support them: RSS: I want more control by Dale Pike, Will is thinking on using RSS effectively, Syndicated Publishing by David Wiley Outlining: Finding Your Own Truths: Ideas for Weblog Processing by Spike Hall Given recent announcement of Easy News Topics for RSS2.0 I feel that something […]
Read MoreAmtek Tablet PC. Sleek-looking Tablet PC from Amtek that mounts onto a rotating docking station arm. Mounted horizontally it looks a lot like the flat-screen iMac. The Amtek Tablet PC hits the US next month and has a 1GHz processor, 256MB of RAM, and a 30GB hard drive. Read [Thanks, Christopher Coulter] [Gizmodo] ooo nifty […]
Read MoreJohn Willinsky, Scholarly Associations and the Eco …. John Willinsky, Scholarly Associations and the Economic Viability of Open Access Publishing, Journal of Digital Information, 4, 2 (April 9, 2003). Abstract: “The paper considers a number of economic issues that scholarly associations are confronting in moving their journals online, with a focus on the possible viability […]
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