How to write a book in 10 days. Dedicated to aspiring writers, the author of 12 books and several hundred articles shares his technique for writing an entire book size manuscript in 10 days. [Jinn of Quality and Risk] I'll have to try this. [A Man with a Ph.D. – Richard Gayle's Weblog] this looks […]
Read MoreSteve Lawrence's paper online or invisible has bee …. Steve Lawrence's paper online or invisible has been referred to before in this blog. But its conclusion is so important that the paper is worth highlighting again: “Articles freely available online are more highly cited. For greater impact and faster scientific progress, authors and publishers should […]
Read MoreNeil Gaiman. has advice for Americans: I have very mixed feelings about Americans disliking the French. I'm English, after all. We have… [Electrolite] Very funny rebuttal by an Englishman. They've disliked the French a lot longer than we have an know a lot more about dissing them. [A Man with a Ph.D. – Richard Gayle's […]
Read MoreSecrets of the XML gods. text, code, data It's the season for confession. First Tim Bray reveals a dirty secret: “a lot of input data these days is XML…in most cases, I use the perl regexp engine to read and process it.” Then Sean McGrath fesses up to his Python habit: “I know I should […]
Read MoreQuerying XML in databases. Tom Dyson points out that XPath support for PostgreSQL is in the works. Here's the example he gives: … [Jon's Radio] handy
Read MoreRoss is on a roll!!. Azeem digs up an essay by Paul Saffo on information overload and new organisational structures, written 14 years ago, to make a case for generalists. We are in a pickle today because we are trying to manage 21st century information overload with 19th century intellectual skills. For example, we still prize […]
Read MoreComputery grad class. I should be thinking about the summer capstone seminar for the Masters in Informatics program I'll be teaching in May,… [Blog de Halavais] Hmm, i could see teaching a course like this, but I would make it less determinate, probalby a 4/8/2 split in weeks where the first 4 were conceptual and […]
Read MoreFrom WorldCom, an Amazing View of a Bloated Industry. We now know in quantifiable, stupefying terms, just how much WorldCom overpaid for the telecommunications network it built. By Gretchen Morgenson. [New York Times: Technology] For me, this brings about the question of how money in these terms makes people feel? I find it to be […]
Read MoreDot-Com Saviors, Tilting at the World's Ills. In increasing numbers, high-tech entrepreneurs who grew wealthy during the dot-com boom of the late 1990's are working for the global good. By Katie Hafner. [New York Times: Technology] Yes, this is better than not doing something supportive, but it is interesting to note that the growth of […]
Read MoreIndustry execs claim file trading funds terrorism. IDG News Service Does File Trading Fund Terrorism? Industry execs claim peer-to-peer networks pose more than just legal problems. Grant Gross, IDG News Service Thursday, March 13, 2003 WASHINGTON — A congressional hearing on the links between terrorism, organized crime, and the illegal trading of copyrighted material produced […]
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