Feedback. So I see my blog's been picked up by Adrian Miles, Jill Walker, and Mark Bernstein (all of whom have kind and generous things to say, here, here, and here, respectively). Actually, I suppose I cheated a little, having sent… [Matthew G. Kirschenbaum] mmm hmmm, well we'll see…..
Read MoreBlogstreet launches visual neighborhood. Blogstreet just launched a new tool that uses Java to let you view your Blogstreet “neighborhood” and click on your neighbors to expand and see their neighborhoods, etc. You get the idea. The tool is on their site and the developer, Veer, blogs about it. I think the tools is fun, […]
Read MoreRobert K. Merton, 1910-2003. I just heard from my friend Courtney Bender that Robert K. Merton died this morning. He was 92 years old…. [Kieran Healy's Weblog] oh, bloggit!, one of the greats of sociology of science is gone…
Read MoreSemantic Blogging and Bibliographies. Semantic Blogging and Bibliographies – Requirements has some useful notes for scientists sharing bibiographies via weblog communities. Of most interest are sections 2 and 3, and the illustrative scenario. You can already do the first part of this scenario with HubMed and Movable Type – each individual abstract page contains the […]
Read MoreVisualisations of political polarisation. Orgnet uses Amazon's 'also bought' lists, while TouchGraph uses data from BlogStreet's visual neighborhood (based on weblog linking patterns) to visualise the disconnect between spheres of political thought…. [HubLog] oooo this is nifty
Read MoreNew Ways of Publishing Science. There is an ongoing discussion dealing with new modalities of scientific publishing. This is one of those areas that will greatly change in the next few years. Scientific authors want as many people as possible to read their work. They do not need remuneration for writing. They get support from […]
Read MoreStudy shows strong association between academic collaboration and scientific publishing productivity [EurekAlert!] I love reports like this one entitled >The Impact of Research Collaboration on Scientific Productivity. They surveyed a lot of scientists regarding several aspects of their research, such as collaboration. They found that the most productive scientists, those that publish the most, are […]
Read Morewhat about the four horseWOMEN?. Max Sawicky is not only a leftist but a sexist leftist. I thought lefties were all about equality and such,… [A Small Victory] i think you should prefer to be one of the muses, they always overcome the horsement anyway.
Read MoreThe Republic of Cascadia. The Republic of Cascadia. “The former American states of Oregon and Washington and the former Canadian province of British Columbia must join together as a sovereign nation. Only then can we have self-determination and take our rightful place in the Global Community.” [MetaFilter] I remember the book Ecotopia do you?
Read MoreLadies, lock & load. A sufficiently provocative soundbite to warrant a link in Scripting News–though, given that Aristophanes wrote Lysistrata in 411 BC, not a startlingly original idea. The core of Tara Sue Grubb's post is devoted to a conviction that almost certainly predates the Peloponnesian War and which remains one of the most strongly […]
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