Sex and slavery. Magazine: John Gibb travels from the mountains of Moldova to the saunas of King's Cross and Chingford on the trail of the human traffickers [Guardian Unlimited] slavery is for more prevalent than most people think…. just look on the web….
Read MoreGeorge Michael warns war could spark fundamentalism [Ananova: News] as a general principle of foreign policy, when certain celebrities notice that something might happen, you probably should pay attention because that means everyone knows.
Read MoreOnline gaming growing rapidly. Online gaming appears to be a notable success story as numbers of visitors across Europe double in a year. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition] we all know this is happening, why don't people begin to operate on it.
Read MoreFacilitating disruptive technology development. Hugh Blackmer, a Science Librarian at Washington & Lee University with a very wide array of interests, has written a very nice piece called “Making room for disruptive and emergent technologies“. I found the following paragraph especially evocative of the problems facing boat-rockers: Each campus seems to have a few people whom […]
Read MoreMonk on Stereotypes. I just walked into the bedroom where Monk was reading a book. We have these old Golden Book anthologies that… [Full Bleed: Confessions of a Zine Girl] Kids know so much, where does it all go?
Read MorePostmodern Infotainment: I Rrivolously Link – You Decide.
Read MoreUC Extension course on weblogs and libraries. Teacthis loohing Library: The Write Way with the World Wide Web. Just a proposal at this stage, but who knows? We could easily do it at MLK, but we're hoping to run the show at SF Public Library Main. [PatD News] this looks like it would be fun […]
Read MoreBuilding Software Industrially: Introduction. I wrote about the industrialisation of software development as a prelude to a collection of my thoughts on how such an industrialized process might work more efficiently and with greater concern for the participants. this is interesting material, especially as i tend to argue that software is a sign of the […]
Read MoreCommodity Software. Dave Stultz's resignation letter, Advice to Microsoft regarding commodity software, is superb [Mark Bernstein] this is interesting
Read MoreJon Udell: The Human Face of Microsoft. [Scripting News] there are good folk about in interesting places, but they always leave.
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