Bill Gates walks into a bar. “Hey, we're rich!” shouts one guy to his buddy. “The average person in this bar is now worth more than a billion dollars!”
Read MoreMother Jones interviews John Perry Barlow. [Scripting News] I've always enjoyed hearing J.P. Barlow talk about his vision for the world.
Read MoreAre Teachers Overpaid?. Are Teachers Overpaid? Tamim Ansary poses and attempts to answer this question in a thoughtful column, full of interesting links to delve deeper into the issue. Bottom line, teachers are overpaid…that is, if you want lower taxes, school funding will be cut and teacher salaries will go down. How does that bumper […]
Read Moreblog research progress. First draft of the proposal summary for the “microcontent research center” that Alex and I are working on is on… [mamamusings] Interesting research project.
Read MoreFrom Nanotechnology's Sidelines, One More Warning. An 80-page illustrated manifesto called “The Big Down,” is an elaborate effort to generate alarm about the perils of nanotechnology. [New York Times: Technology] … Oh, please. The perils of nanotechnology are miniscule… (sorry, sorry, sorry but it had to be said!). [[ t e c h n o […]
Read MoreHey — Hunter hasn't gone away, you know: Hunter S. Thompson. The godfather of gonzo says 9/11 caused a “nationwide nervous breakdown” — and let the Bush crowd loot the country and savage American democracy. [] [[ t e c h n o c u l t u r e ]] Go Hunter Go, Hunter […]
Read MoreCyber city in Mauritius. Mauritius is building itself a cyber city to diversify its economy and keep pace with technology. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition] I wonder how successful this type of programatic development is? I remember seeing perhapd Dubai do this a few years ago, then it disappeared from radar…
Read MoreBlogs and support of inquiry. Nurul Asyikin: […] It was horrible – the night before my proposal presentation I was desperately trying to find a way to convey the potential I saw in blogs as a new tool for community building to a roomful of disbelievers. For some reason, none of my web searches last […]
Read MoreBuddySpace. Now that the notion of presence is beginning to infuse our electronic communication, an inevitable next question is: presence where? Marc Eisenstadt, chief scientist at the Knowledge Media Institute of the Open University in the UK, wrote to show me a Jabber-based system called BuddySpace that locates presence indicators on maps. In the map […]
Read MoreFascist Websites For Children!. Fascist Websites for Children! Concerned that your children might not be getting the guidance that they need in their quest to grow up to be healthy and productive citizens of the Homeland? Worry no more! Hint, it's funny! (via sixdifferentways). [MetaFilter] See this is the sort of thing should be […]
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