Why does Bush want to kill innocent Iraqis?. Wow, this is an interesting transcript from a White House press briefing where a reporter asks Ari Fleischer point-blank, “why does [President Bush] want to drop bombs on innocent Iraqis?” And all this time I thought the press weren't asking any important questions. I guess they are, […]
Read More[the reverse cowgirl's blog] i just like the picture….
Read MoreT-Mobile Sidekick. The T-Mobile Sidekick is available for $49.99 on Amazon until January 27, 2003 [with service activation, you must mail in rebates, etc.]! It also qualifies for free shipping. If you're looking to get this gadget, now's the time to move. The price is so low because there are two different rebates for it, […]
Read MoreAlien abduction dog-tags for humans [bOing bOing] you know who you are, the ones that need something like this.
Read MoreDigital learning plans approved. The government has given the go-ahead for the BBC's controversial plans for an internet-based “digital curriculum” for schools. [BBC News | Technology | UK Edition] teach me television, teach me, teach me, web me, interact with me, oh great temple of learning, sitting in my living room, occupying a place of […]
Read MoreAnswers From a Successful Free Software Project Leader [Slashdot] worth reading
Read MoreAnd You Thought Your Cubicle Sucked?. Plastic::Work::Disaster: Here's a company so bad that it took PBS, the CBC and a three-part New York Times story to tell us how bad it is. Put on your safety goggles before you watch, read or click. [Plastic: Most Recent] wow, and i thought farming was dangerous…
Read MoreThe Mini-PC. A new half-size laptop that weighs less than a pound and is just one inch thick from Vulcan, a company owned by that other Microsoft billionaire, Paul Allen. The Mini-PC will run Windows XP, and have integrated WiFi, a 5.8-inch screen, a 20GB hard drive, and a built-in mini-keyboard. Read [Gizmodo] the world […]
Read MoreUK racks up record games sales. Far out [The Register] oh oh oh, again, we find sales up and no university thinking very hard about what to do about computer games….
Read MoreSUV Owners and Terrorism. I've come to admire Arianna Huffington for her passionately progressive politics. Once a tunnel-visioned right-winger, she opened her eyes to… [Dan Gillmor's eJournal] this is fairly clear to me, suv's fund terrorism much more than drugs, etc.
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