tonight i heard the joyous words that a student reported learning more in my class at pratt than the others together. that…. a student learns… that is the goal, that the other students learn is also of merit, but not everyone can express, at the same time, their view. I like to think that i […]
Read MoreLargest library closure in U.S. looms / Federal funding dries up, leaving 15 branches in Oregon county on brink: Largest library closure in U.S. looms Federal funding dries up, leaving 15 branches in Oregon county on brink Meredith May, Chronicle Staff Writer Sunday, March 4, 2007 —— the death of libraries looms.
Read MoreQuote of the Day: “In times of change learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.“–Eric Hoffer ——- one of the best ones yet.
Read MoreSecond Life Education Research » Blog Archive » Will Voice Chat make Second Life a more Cohesive Community?: —- No. but that does not really matter. the introduction of any new technology into an environment is always divisive, until there is enough momentum to encourage everyone to migrate to that… the real question is.. will […]
Read MoreEric’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Idea: steampunk star wars: Inspired by this neat little project, I decided I wanted to reimagine the Star Wars universe in a steampunk context. I know, whenever anyone reimagines anything, they either make it a) adult and edgy (99%) or b) steampunk (1%), so I’m not getting any […]
Read MoreDissertation Advice: The point is: what are you trying to show? The point is: what is your point? If you can get that straight in your head, and put it up front at the beginning of your document, you will be able to proceed in a straight line. You will know what things are essential, […]
Read – The Rich See What They Believe: The Rich See What They BelieveBy Jeanna BrynerLiveScience Staff Writerposted: 28 February 200704:22 pm ET People see what they believe, not vice versa, when it comes to social injustice. And this mind-altering trick of perception keeps moral outrage at bay, especially among the rich, a new psychological […]
Read MoreDr. Joan Bushwell’s Chimpanzee Refuge : In th’ethic of ruinous “modern” standards: “Ethics” can be rewritten and as ostensibly objective principles are no less malleable than the DSM-IV criteria for various versions of “crazy.” Humanism? That grasps something a little more unyielding and a lot more desirable, but one wonders how timeless a concept it, […]
Read | study | hide_ip: Just remember that proxies aren’t magical; they simply add extra hops in the middle. Each person still has an address (you, your buddy, and the pizza place). So don’t think of it as “hiding” or “becoming invisible”; this isn’t how the Internet works. The Internet needs to know your exact […]
Read MoreVersion 3.0 Launched – Creative Commons: The latest version of the Creative Commons licenses  Version 3.0  are now available. To briefly recap what is different in this version of the licenses: Separating the “generic†from the US license
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