prototype | DLCMS: What is a DLCMS? This site is a prototype DLCMS (digital library content management system) built using Drupal, some standrard Drupal modules, and a couple of custom-written modules to add some extra functionality. See the “about” section for more detail.
Read More: Your rating regarding science/non-science: 7 Your rating regarding values & humankind: 8 Your position on the worldview spectrum: (8,7) <a href=””>worldview quiz</a>
Read MoreUnited Nations Day: The anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter on 24 October 1945 has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. It has traditionally been marked throughout the world by meetings, discussions and exhibits on the achievements and goals of the Organization. In 1971, the General Assembly recommended […]
Read More: s time slides past, doling out its irreversible quanta, perpetual infantility offers us… the perfect wristwatch: shockproof, waterproof, antimagnetic, a perpetual movement which says everything about us except the single intolerable truth: that we have had it and are headed for oblivion, tick by tick. We have had to make it up as we […]
Read MoreLos Angeles Times: McCarthyism Without Habeas Corpus: My mother always said that in the U.S. you had the right to One Phone Call, and that if the men who rang the doorbell came for her, if something were to happen to her, she would let me know. What if there were no One Phone Call? […]
Read MoreButterflies and Wheels Article: The only difference is, this horror story occurs in a book thought to be revealed by a God who is fundamentally good and eternally just, one who rewards whom he wants, humiliates when he wants, is jealous when he feels like it, and compassionate when he doesn’t feel like being jealous. […]
Read MoreUnited Nations Day: The anniversary of the entry into force of the United Nations Charter — 24 October 1945 — has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. It is marked throughout the world each year by meetings, discussions and exhibits on the achievements and goals of the Organization. Check out the United Nations […]
Read MoreJeff Ubois on Erasing Televised History, Copyright-style: Remember Dan Quayle’s attack on fictional character Murphy Brown? Well if you don’t, or want to refresh your recollection of the 1992 episode, you’ll have to rely on secondary sources, Jeff Ubois reports. Due in part to the vagaries of copyright and contract, public access to the televised […]
Read MoreThe Sun Online – News: Bet this tortoise runs on shell: IT may not be a fast mover but it keeps Tina the three-legged tortoise out of the crawler lane. The 54-year-old pet has a mini air-filled rubber wheel to replace a leg lost to a predator. —- and people wonder what other people do […]
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