The New Atlantis – Shop Class as Soulcraft – Matthew B. Crawford: So what advice should one give to a young person? By all means, go to college. In fact, approach college in the spirit of craftsmanship, going deep into liberal arts and sciences. In the summers, learn a manual trade. You’re likely to be […]
Read MoreWhobar identity 2.0 technology now available as open source: Sxip is pleased to release the Whobar code to the community. Whobar makes it easy for users to register and login to a website using their choice of emerging identity protocols such as InfoCard, i-names, and OpenID. It enables developers to easily add support of all […]
Read MoreABC News: Where Big Brother Watches and Talks to You : The monitors in Middlesbrough’s CCTV control room show a drunk put back a traffic cone, a vandal replace a strip light he had pulled off the roof of a pizza joint, and a smoker pick up his cigarette butt from the sidewalk. Why did […]
Read MoreLibrary Cats Map: LIBRARY CATS MAP Click on a region (or state) to see a list of library cats! —– yes, the library cats map still exists.
Read MoreThe Belmont Club: Censorship by the military?: Pajamas Media recently reported that there are only 9 embedded reporters in Iraq. Many are blaming this on the media, and while I can never be called an apologist for mainstream media, I can say with certainty that the United States military is censoring. ——- censorship can be […]
Read MoreGOP leaders knew of Foley e-mail in ’05 – Yahoo! News: GOP leaders admit their offices have known for months that a Florida Republican congressman was sending inappropriate e-mails to a boy who had worked as a page in the House of Representatives. —- this seems to indicate that the GOP leaders worked to suppress […]
Read the online network of freedom of information advocates: International Right to Know Day 2006 Celebrating Freedom of Information Around the World —— hmmm, i missed this.
Read MoreErwin Chemerinsky – Legislating Violations of the Constitution – With little public attention or even notice, the House of Representatives has passed a bill that undermines enforcement of the First Amendment’s separation of church and state. The Public Expression of Religion Act – H.R. 2679 – provides that attorneys who successfully challenge government actions […]
Read MoreWho the Hell Wants to be Reasonable? this has Emma Goldman’s answers to: What should you most like to do, to know, to be? (In case you are not satisfied). Why wouldn’t you change places with any other human being? What do you look forward to? What do you fear most from the future? What […]
Read MoreYour Meat is Smarter Than Your Pet.: From the website: Testing the IQ of a sheep may seem laughable. But at the Babraham Institute in Cambridge, England, they know better. One sheep who got a reward every time she recognized a human face correctly on a video screen scored a perfect 50 out of 50. […]
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