Blog Meme: Here are the rules: 1. Delve into your blog archive. 2. Find your 23rd post. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions. ———- i did not get to 5 sentences…… Rumsfeld ‘offered help to Saddam’. Declassified papers leave the White […]
Read MoreToday is technically my last day as a full-time instructor of political science at Virginia Tech. It has been a great time with a great department. We’ve accomplished so much at VT, much of it unrecognized except by the community that it served. My colleague Brent Jesiek will now be the manager of the Center […]
Read MoreDevilDucky – Speeding Hurts: Collision: Speeding Hurts: Collision ——– a great public service announcement from denmark…. Viewing and hearing this file properly may require Quicktime 6 or greater.Please be patient while your media loads.
Read MoreGurkha: Super Armored SUV.: From the website: It can stop a bullet from an AK-47, shrug off a roadside bomb, and it makes a Hummer look like a chick car. The $200,000 (U.S.) Gurkha is coming to a road near you — thanks to a King City-based company that is finding itself in demand because […]
Read MoreWorld Trade Center, September 13, 2001: These photos were taken at Ground Zero, the World Trade Center site in New York, on September 13, 2001. —— lest you forget the pictures that you never saw…. i guess
Read MoreThe Gullibility Factor test at Free Thinker Welcome to the top 5%. You’re a true free thinker and a person who is well informed about the reality in which you live. Although you may have been easily manipulated earlier in life, you eventually gained lucidity and developed a healthy sense of skepticism that you […]
Read MoreCiting: am I who you say I am?: Something marvelous from blah-feme: To be referred to, to be quoted, sorted, circumscribed by the gesture of the upturned commas, single or double: what does this mean? To be linked to, to be pointed at, made part of a discourse, drawn in, made party to it, beholden […]
Read MoreI Am Not A Terrorist: I am not a terrorist. Say it in Arabic, because free speech is for everyone. ——– buy the t-shirt…
Read MoreMaking Light: Terrorists: he says “I am not saying that the politicians and press are terroristsâ€Â. Bruce may not be saying that, but I am. ——- I have to agree, and I think it is morally wrong for our own president and political parties to encourage their populace to be afraid of each other and […]
Read MoreFDA Approves Over-the-Counter Access for Plan B for Women 18 and Older–Prescription Remains Required for Those 17 and Under: FDA Approves Over-the-Counter Access for Plan B for Women 18 and Older Prescription Remains Required for Those 17 and Under ——- It is about time that the FDA and our current administration started treating women as […]
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