Dehydration a worry for some travelers – Yahoo! News: The U.S. Transportation Security Administration is allowing passengers to carry on essential nonprescription medicines, such as insulin, as well as baby formula and breast milk for infants. But Ensure is not permitted, said Christopher White, a TSA spokesman. “While we understand these restrictions may cause inconveniences […]
Read More“Nancy Drew addicts don’t get sent to rehab”: Good quote of the day from CNet, about the contention that young people become video game “addicts.” [Link] “If a little girl spent hours reading Nancy Drew books, no one would send her to a book addiction clinic, because people perceive books as nutritional,” said Jason Della […]
Read MoreYour Geek Profile: Academic Geekiness: Highest Internet Geekiness: High Fashion Geekiness: Moderate Gamer Geekiness: Low Geekiness in Love: Low General Geekiness: None Movie Geekiness: None Music Geekiness: None SciFi Geekiness: None How Geeky Are You?
Read MoreWelcome to Pottersville: Enough is Enough: Yeah, I’m talking to you, the one shaking half-naked by the phone that you can barely see through the 8-ball hemorrhages in both eyes, fearfully debating whether to call that rape crisis hot line or battered womens’ shelter or whatever balm that could be provided courtesy of your damned […]
Read MoreGovernors bristle at Bush Guard proposal – Yahoo! News: The nation’s governors are closing ranks in opposition to a proposal in Congress that would let the president take control of the National Guard in emergencies without consent of governors. ——— the guard are part of the first amendment… citizens bearing arms, or… citizen-soldiers. if we […]
Read Moretonight i went scouting for a cellar replacement. I may have found one, we’ll see, but they have no food, so bleh. First i walked down broadway scouting things for a bit. then, i decided let’s try closest to home in astoria and hit the NUA club/bar at the base of my street. It was […]
Read MoreMy office won’t be ready until around the 1st ;0 and my dsl is off at home, so I’m currently using my phone for email and my office for the web…… such is life. My neighborhood is really nice in astoria ny, best buy and home depot are within walking distance, but broadway has everything […]
Read Moreso the move went well, I’ll have the pictures of the new place when i get things sorted. It is pretty nice and my landlord was extremely helpful in getting things done yesterday. It took about an hour to unpack the truck with some help from the Pratt metal shop. We unpacked on the hottest […]
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