How MySpace Works: From How Stuff Works check out this well-written and simple-language explanation of how MySpace works, including a section on safety issues. This is a good resource to point parents (and fellow library workers) to when the issue of MySpace comes up. found through LII’s New This Week, May 18th issue (I know, […]
Read – Golf Stories-Bigwigs dedicate River Course: Virginia Tech president Charles W. Steger couldn’t seem to stop smiling early Monday morning. Ditto for the rest of the school’s bigwigs and heavy-hitter contributors on hand for the formal dedication ceremony of the recently renovated Pete Dye River Course at Virginia Tech. ——— ahhh, we have priorities […]
Read Wikis, Blogs Won’t Survive: Mark Harrison, a partner with consultancy Kineo, recently made a presentation on the topic of “E-Learning 2012.” The presentation, made at the E-Networking Event in London, was fairly bold, with Harrison predicting that, “I personally don’t believe wikis and blogs will survive.” ——– this line of argument fails. the reasons […]
Read MoreVloggerCon to happen in Second Life, too: Thanks to Spin Martin, the video blog conference under the name of vloggercon held in San Francisco at June 10 & 11 will also take place in Second Life. Location will be the hipcast conference center at the Shalida sim. And because it will happen I will be […]
Read MorePlagiarism review recommends faculty dismissals , by…: There can never be a time or reason at an academic institution, such as our Ohio University, when plagiarism can be justified. Equally, there can not be any tolerance of the individuals who participate in this serious misconduct. ——– it looks like ohio is having some issues. i’d […]
Read MoreE-Book Project To Give Free Access To 300,000 Volumes: Two nonprofits are preparing to provide free access to 300,000 texts online. Project Gutenberg and World eBook Library plan to make the e-books available free for a month at the first World eBook Fair. Downloads will be available at the fair’s Web site from July 4, […]
Read MoreNew World Notes: buridan Simon helps with the mash-up by unleashing some storm effects from his inventory ——– ooo, i made the papers…..
Read MoreSex Pistols Action Figures: Via McChris, a pointer to two sets of Sex Pistols action figures by Japanese toy company, Kubrick Toys. One set features the best-known members of the band, and the second applies their aesthetic to a group of brightly-colored bears. ———- everyone wants to be punk…. even if they are plastic….
Read MoreThe Croquet Project: Croquet is… …a new open source software platform for creating deeply collaborative multi-user online applications. It features a network architecture that supports communication, collaboration, resource sharing, and synchronous computation among multiple users. Using Croquet, software developers can create powerful and highly collaborative multi-user 2D and 3D applications and simulations. ——— interesting project… […]
Read MoreEduTools Homepage: WCET’s EduTools provides independent reviews, side-by-side comparisons, and consulting services to assist decision-making in the e-learning community —— a handy comparison.
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