— this is an interesting presentation for a center for new humanities at rutgers. I’m not sure that humanities are centered around creativity, but I am sure that i think that they humanities lead the way in terms of the skills that allow creativity and innovation to flourish.
Read MoreThe reading cure The idea that literature can make us emotionally and physically stronger goes back to Plato. [From Books | The reading cure] — This is actually one of my major insights, luckily i share it with many people. It is pretty simple. Great fiction, great books provide models for being, ways of coping, […]
Read MoreDownload the Original size This is the referencetool system that I made years ago and is still publicly usable. it is just an install of wikindx3 with some customizations.
Read MoreSchool Library Learning 2.0: — some nice tutorials for web 2.0 and library 2.0
Read MoreLibrophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries (Curious Expeditions): Librophiliac Love Letter: A Compendium of Beautiful Libraries —– the most beautiful libraries….
Read MoreCultural Ethnography: A Brief Report: A user in the usability lab is like a tiger in the cage, helpless! Study him in his natural habitat! — this is a short report from an hci practitioner who has moved into the realm of ethnography. i think it captures one of the main failures of much of […]
Read MoreAbout Us (The Open Library): What if there was a library which held every book? Not every book on sale, or every important book, or even every book in English, but simply every bookâ€â€our planet’s cultural legacy. First, the library must be on the Internet. No physical space could be as big or as universally […]
Read MoreScriblio » About Scriblio: Scriblio (formerly WPopac) is an award winning, free, open source CMS and OPAC with faceted searching and browsing features based on WordPress. 0000 this is cool, cheap, and worth trying.
Read MorePontificial Lateral University Library – Italy: Pontificial Lateral University Library – Italy —– mmm cool design
Read MorePublic access group challenges Smithsonian over copyrights: Grabbing pictures of iconic Smithsonian Institution artifacts just got a whole lot easier. Before, if you wanted to get a picture of the Wright Brothers’ plane, you could go to the Smithsonian Images Web site and pay for a print or high-resolution image after clicking through several warnings […]
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