FOCUS ON SPY-CAM LANDLORDS By LEONARD GREENE – New York Post Online Edition: news: y 1, 2006 — Landlords are resorting to a new weapon in their war with tenants over rent stabilization – hidden cameras trained on an occupant’s door “The whole building is paranoid now,” said Bryan Lurie, who last week found a […]
Read MoreUNESCO’s Basic Texts on the Information Society: Article 1 of UNESCO’s Constitution states that it will “collaborate in the work of advancing the mutual knowledge and understanding of peoples, through all means of mass communication and to that end recommend such international agreements as may be necessary to promote the free flow of ideas by […]
Read MoreOne Laptop Per Child Project Abandons Hand Crank: One Laptop Per Child Project Abandons Hand CrankOne Laptop Per Child project abandons hand crank in favor of a foot pedal attached to the AC adaptor. Negroponte also says Linux is too “fat” for the 500 MHz AMD processors they plan to use. -dj —– interesting…. a […]
Read MoreMIT Media Lab Guru Says No Computers in Schools: Michael Schrage of the MIT Media Lab wrote a piece for The Financial Times saying that there should be no computers in schools. He argues that billions could be saved by keeping useless technologies out of schools. As an educational technologist, I felt that I needed […]
Read MoreResearchers get neurons and silicon talking: Researchers get neurons and silicon talkingEuropean researchers have created an interface between mammalian neurons and silicon chips. The development is a crucial first step in the development of advanced technologies that combine silicon circuits with a mammal’s nervous system. ——- I suppose this has all kinds of good uses […]
Read MoreCenter for the Study of Rhetoric in Society : On Monday, April 24, 2006, the Center for the Study of Rhetoric in Society is sponsoring “Representations of Race and the African American Community.” This interactive event is designed to connect members of the Virginia Tech campus and surrounding communities through a day-long series of conversations […]
Read MoreMore dialogue with TMTTLT: Push back…: We seem to be more in agreement than not.I’ll resist the slide from “computing devices” to “technology,” but probably nothing turns on that anyway. The laptops are valuable at least as much for their interactive, networking potential as for their other computing possibilities, maybe more. Plenty of people in […]
Read MorePush back on my take: Gates…: I got the support issues the first time. Yes. But it#039s not as though those are issues for and only for the $100-laptop crowd. Those are issues for bringing most of the world into network society — or allowing for the creation of network societies for most of the […]
Read MoreGates Dismissive of $100 Laptop [1] ….: My take is that it may be both a publicity stunt and also a good project. Because, of course, the support issues wouldn’t go away if every child were given a $1000 laptop, would they? Nor would anyone sit there cranking the $1000 laptop; they’d stare at it […]
Read MoreGates Dismissive of $100 Laptop [1]: Many technology leaders have praised a nonprofit effort supported by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to build a $100 laptop for schoolchildren in the developing world. But Bill Gates is not among the project’s fans. Mr. Gates, Microsoft’s chairman and chief software architect, was dismissive of the project in […]
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