Bono speaks out against torture – and gets censored – The Smirking Chimp: While Bono’s entire acceptance speech was quite good, I was particularly moved when he spoke out against the use of torture. He said, “You do not have to become a monster to defeat a monster.” —- Censoring a liberty medal recipient’s acceptance […]
Read MoreLearning Inquiry Issue Two: Special Issue – Listening and Reflecting: Issue two of Learning Inquiry is up! It is a special issue on Listening and Reflecting including papers by Leonard Waks, Alexandra Michel and Stanton Wortham, Katherine Schultz and Lisa Smulyan, Suzanne Rice, Elizabeth Meadows, Megan Laverty, A… —- jason says issue 2 is out…
Read MoreSLCC 2008 – Location Selection Narrowing Down!: Yeap, it’s getting closer to the time where we all know where we’ll be when next year! Check out this post on the 2007 blog for the specifics as well as a heads up on a survey that will also be posted soon! —- Tampa…. or Raleigh… I’d […]
Read MoreU Sank My Carrier! | Wake Up From Your Slumber: He was given nothing but small planes and ships-fishing boats, patrol boats, that kind of thing. He kept them circling around the edges of the Persian Gulf aimlessly, driving the Navy crazy trying to keep track of them. When the Admirals finally lost patience and […]
Read MoreThe Raw Story | Olbermann: Bush adminstration use of bogus terror threat is ‘most overt accusation yet’: Former US Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Fein joined Keith Olbermann to discuss recent charges that the Bush administration employed false intelligence to convince lawmakers they should temporarily expand domestic spying powers under the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act […]
Read More1000STORIES: A German documentary filmmaker and new-media artist, with the support of the Goethe-Institut New York, will be traveling through the United States by motorcycle from October 1 until November 15, 2007, and he wants to understand the American way of life. He wants to know what makes Americans tick, so he s looking for […]
Read More» Protect your network against fiber hacks | IT Security | For less than $1,000, an attacker can purchase the hardware necessary to tap into a fiber run. The tap consists of bending the fiber to the point that it leaks light. — sweet!
Read MoreRun away the ray-gun is coming : We test US army’s new secret weapon | the Daily Mail: This machine has the ability to inflict limitless, unbearable pain. — this is not OK, this is not OK at all. this is at best a device to dispurse crowds, and at worse a torture device. it […]
Read MoreSpikning – Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin: Spikning är en akademisk ritual i samband med framläggandet av en doktorsavhandling. Tre veckor före disputationen skall avhandlingen offentliggöras, frÃ¥n denna tidpunkt skall lärosätet tillhandahÃ¥lla avhandlingen sÃ¥ att den som önskar kan läsa den för att kunna komma med kritik under disputationen. — a brilliant way of making your […]
Read MoreTED | Speakers | Andrew Mwenda: Andrew Mwenda: Journalist —- Intentions are usually problematic… people act under good intentions at all times. Even GWB thought he was doing the right thing, remember that, good intentions are not always the best thing. Mr. Mwenda speaks about the problem of foreign aid and the problem of structural […]
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