Fri, 10 Jan 2003 17:21:01 GMT

LibraryLookup Gets A Little Library-Related Press – We Need More!.

“Jon Udell is getting record flow on his weblog. The librarians are figuring out what he's doing. Nice.” [Scripting News]

Of course, what I want to know is how do we keep evolving this. What can librarians do? Is there a way for us to implement the ISBN-mapping Web service Jon describes? Jon isn't a librarian and look at what he's been able to come up with. What's our next step?

I've been remiss in noting Jon's other recent articles about his work in this area. They're all worth your time:

ISSNs and Z39.50
The Disruptive Web
Genus, Species, and ISBN
Where Angels Fear to Tread

Update: Here's an article about it from

[The Shifted Librarian]

libraries are temples to knowledge, this is the pastoral power associated with those temples.