global public goods, you know you want them…
Dear Colleagues,
I invite you to visit the new website of global public goods Network
(gpgNet) at
gpgNet intends to serve researchers, policymakers, business and civil
society as a platform for information exchange and discussion on
issues concerning the theory, policy design and practice of providing
global public goods.
On gpgNet you will find references to research and studies,
information on forthcoming events as well as commentaries, policy
statements and media reports concerning global public goods issues.
I would like to invite your special attention to the discussion forum.
The inaugural debate is on the topic of “What is Public? What
is Private?” Please join us for this debate at and share with us -and the global
public- your observations on this topic.
Your suggestions and feedback on the gpgNet website would be very much
appreciated, and can be sent to
Yours sincerely,
Inge Kaul
Office of Development Studies
United Nations Development Programme
Vikas Nath Manager
Policy Analyst, Office of Development Studies
United Nations Development Programme
336 East 45 Street
New York NY 10017 USA