Tue, 04 Mar 2003 12:06:53 GMT

Dear colleague,
this is the Call for Papers for the 3rd IEEE* Conference on
Standardization and Innovation in Information Technology
(SIIT2003)to be held October 22-24, 2003 at the Delft University of
Technology, the Netherlands. (Please check www.SIIT2003.org for a
PDF or HTML version of this CfP.)

Information Technology (IT) plays a pervasive role in our daily
lives. Would it have been as influential without standards? Hardly.
Nowadays, most IT-practitioners, researchers and policy makers
believe that standards matter a lot. Indeed, interest in IT-
standardization is rapidly growing. However, postulating the
importance of standards is one thing. Specifying and quantifying it
is another. It turns out to be very difficult, for example, to
specify the impact of standards on technology development, business
profits, infrastructure policy, etc.. Despite an increasing number
of studies, there are still few definite answers regarding the
dynamics of standardization.

October 22-24, 2003, the 3rd IEEE* Conference on “Standardization
and Innovation in Information Technology” (SIIT) will take place in
the old city of Delft, the Netherlands. The aim this conference is
to join forces and exchange insights. To progress, we need to
combine the expertise of practitioners and academics across a wide
range of businesses and disciplines – from engineering and economics
to policy management, sociology and law.

The Advisory Board, the Local and International Organizing
Committee, and the Program Committee listed below therefore warmly
invite you to submit a paper – or, for those who would like to try
their hand at something completely different, a standards tale

Theoretical and empirical papers are welcome that shed light on
aspects, issues, and dynamics of standards and standardization.
Possible topics may include

– impact of standards
– problems of implementation and diffusion
– conformity assessment, testing and certification
– compatibility & open source developments
– flexibility
– innovation
– intellectual property rights
– contemporary and historical cases of formal and consortium
Ê standardization
– public-private sphere issues
– competing compatibility strategies
– standards use in a regulatory setting
– corporate standards strategies
– network externalities
– standards cultures
– policy context of standardization
– competing regional and international regimes
– analyses of standards research and education activities

Suggestions for additional topics are most welcome.

15 May 2003-Deadline for paper submissions
15 July 2003-Notification of authors
1 September 2003-Deadline for final (camera-ready) papers

Significant and original (unpublished) submissions are solicited and
will undergo a double blind peer-review process. Full papers should
not exceed 6,000 words and include an abstract of 100 -150 words.
For paper submission guidelines, please see the conference website.
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
Outstanding papers will be considered for inclusion in the 'Int.
Journal on IT Standards and Standardization Research' (JITSR).


Jan-Pascal van Best
Marnix Kaart (webmaster)
Marian van der Poel-Lutz (local SIIT secretariat)
Wim Vree

CHAIR: Kai Jakobs, Aachen University
Ken Krechmer, ICSR (chair progr.committee)
Timothy Schoechle, ICSR
Mostafa Hashem Sherif, AT&T

Koichi Asatani, Professor of Electr. & Comm. Eng., Kogakuin Univ.,
ÊÊ Japan
Jan van den Beld, Secretary General of ECMA
Scott Bradner, IETF, Internet Society's Vice President for Standards
Carl Cargill, Director of Standards, Sun Microsystems
Paul David, Professor of Economics, Stanford Univ., USA
Veit Ghiladi, Director of Standards , DaimlerChrysler
John Ketchell, Director CEN/ISSS
Hans van Luijk, President Executive Board of Delft Univ. of
ÊÊ Technology
Oliver Smoot, President ISO*
Evangelos Vardakas, Director of Single Market, Enterprise DG, Eur.
ÊÊ Commission
Margot Weijnen, Professor of Process & Energy Systems Engin, Delft
Univ. of Techn., Neth.
Jan Wesseldijk, Director of the Dutch Standards Body (NEN)
Houlin Zhao, Director Telecomm. Stand. Bureau of the ITU

CHAIR: Ken Krechmer, ICSR, USA
Marc Berg, Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Neth.
Knut Blind, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
Randy Bloomfield, Consultant, USA
Rainer Brockschmidt, Consultant, Germany
Theun Bruins, Univ. of Amsterdam, Neth.
Nils Brunsson, Stockh. School of Econ.,Sweden
Jim Carlo, IEEE*Yves Chauvel, ETSI
Heide Coenen, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany
Axel Czaya, Un. Fed. Arm Forces Ham., Ger.
Ajantha Dahanajake, Univ. of Delft, Neth.
Jelte Dijkstra, NEN, Neth.
Koen Dittrich, Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Neth.
Patrick Duffy, Totus, Ireland
Simao Ferraz de Campos Neto, ITU
Vlad Fomin, Univ. of Michigan, USA
Mark Gaynor, Harvard, USA
Ricardo Goncalves, UNINOVA, Portugal
Peter Grindley, LECG, UK
Ole Hanseth, Univ. of Oslo, Norway
Richard Hawkins, TNO, Neth.
Wilfried Hesser, Un. Fed. Arm Forces Ham., Ger.
John Hudson, Univ. of Bath, UK
Eric Iversen, STEP, Norway
Henk Koppelaar, Univ. of Delft, Neth.
Gary Lea, Queen Mary Int. Prop. Res. Inst., UK
Arjan Loeffen, Salience BV, Neth.
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve Univ., USA
Kees van der Meer, Univ. of Delft, Neth.
Eddie Michiels, Univ. Twente, Neth.
Eric Monteiro, Norwegian Univ. of Sci. & Techn.
Rob Proctor, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland
Roy Rada, Univ. of Maryland,, USA
Harald Schumny, Comp. Standards & Interfaces
Ardy Siegert, Ministry of V&W, Neth.
Anke Sijtsema, Ministry of V&W, Neth.
Michael Spring, Univ. of Pittsburgh, USA
Kees Stuurman, Univ. Tilburg, Neth.
Peter Swann, Manchester Business School, UK
Chris Vissers, Telematics Institute, Neth.
Taavi Vladlo, Estonian Informatics Centre, Estonia
Alexander Voss, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland
Jos Vrancken, Univ. of Delft, Neth.
Henk de Vries, Erasmus Univ. Rotterdam, Neth.
Willem Wakker, ACE, Neth.
Marc van Wegberg, Univ. of Maastricht, Neth.
Joel West, San JosŽ State Univ., USA
Robin Williams, Univ. of Edinburgh, Scotland
Paul Wouters, Royal Neth. Acad. of Arts & Scienc.
Ragna Zeiss, University of York, UK

* pending approval, IEEE=Institute of Electrical and Electronic

For conference news see www.SIIT2003.org. For other questions please
contact the local SIIT secretariat
or the conference chair (T.M.Egyedi@tbm.tudelft.nl)