Wed, 05 Mar 2003 15:14:15 GMT
Coevolving collaborative tools mailing list.
The Blue Oxen folks and friends are having great forward-thinking, eyes-wide-open conversations on collaboration technologies over on the yak-tools mailing list. Here are a few nuggets that I found quite interesting:
- Social network visualization from mailing list data using Java-based Apache Agora by Stefano Mazzocchi, someone I recently discovered and should be watching closely. “The basic idea is that every time you reply to somebody's message, you are creating a social relationship between you and that person.”
- Collaboratively annotating the planet with Blogosphere Headmap. Among other things, provides another way of visualizing the GeoURL dataset.
- A QuickTime Movie Tour of the BuddySpace system under development at the Open University, which aims to address the challenges of “High-impact, low-effort, large-scale group communications; Community of practice group awareness; understanding 'where people' are mentally (cognitive and affective states) as well as physically (geo-location services) given increasing mobility and multi-tasking; “.
- I think I also saw Danny Ayers chime in there with his RDF-based semantic blogging tool project.
Chris Dent posts weekly summaries of the action on the CollabWiki.
Everyday the arena of interaction and education in online environments is populated by more and more interesting and occasionally exciting tools. I wish that i had time to play with them all.