Sun, 10 Aug 2003 15:47:59 GMT
Users Rights to Communications Services.
The Commission for Communications Regulation, Ireland has released a new publication Users Rights to Communications Services (Protecting Users in a Developing Communications Market), which is the decision governing the regulatory framework for the protection of users of electronic communications services. This decision follows their consultation 03/26 (Protecting Users in a Developing Communications Market Implementing Measures under the National and EU Communications Framework ).
The consultation focused on how the national regulatory framework in this area would evolve in light of changes in the EU framework, in particular, the EU Directive on Universal Service and Usersâ Rights. It dealt with measures such as transparency of information for users, operator codes of practice for complaint handling, contracts and the publication of quality of service information.
[ITU Strategy and Policy Unit Newslog]
This seems to be an interesting report, but i think it forgets that profit is tied to knowledge, and if users don't know, they pay more. not that it is right, but that is the way profit works.