Mon, 03 Nov 2003 14:46:06 GMT
Free WiFi in “Austin Wireless City”.
The Austin (Texas) American-Statesman published a front-page story today on the proliferation of WiFi hotspots locally. The same issue includes a map of 51 local hotspots. The article focuses on Austin Wireless City, a community wireless project. led by Richard MacKinnon of Less Networks. While an industry analyst is skeptical of free WiFi, hot spots just keep appearing. Austin Wireless City's goal is to facilitate a pervasive wireless quilt for Austin. The city also has an evolving wireless cluster of over 80 companies organized through the Austin Wireless Alliance, and a major wireless study under way called Wireless Future, led by the local University of Texas-affiliated think tank, IC². Wireless Future will publish a substantial wireless report, and is organizing a conference for March 2004.