Sun, 14 Dec 2003 13:22:49 GMT
3.ÊDean, Gov. Howard, VT – Democrat ÊÊ(79%)
4.ÊClark, Retired General Wesley K., AR – Democrat ÊÊ(76%)
5.ÊKucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH – Democrat ÊÊ(73%)Ê
6.ÊEdwards, Senator John, NC – Democrat ÊÊ(71%)Ê
7.ÊGreen Party Candidate ÊÊ(68%)Ê
8.ÊGephardt, Rep. Dick, MO – Democrat ÊÊ(64%)Ê
9.ÊSharpton, Reverend Al – Democrat ÊÊ(57%)ÊÊ
10.ÊKerry, Senator John, MA – Democrat ÊÊ(56%)ÊÊ
11.ÊLieberman, Senator Joe, CT – Democrat ÊÊ(41%)Ê
12.ÊMoseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL – Democrat ÊÊ(37%)
the first two were moot, as they were my ideal candidate and the socialist candidate, now dean is on my list… before i had kucinich at the lead… hmmmm.