Thu, 03 Jun 2004 00:31:27 GMT
Weblog research roundtable. Excellent multiparty interview with weblog researchers Cori Dauber, Kaye Trammell, Jill Walker, and Alex Halavais. I especially liked Alex Halavais' insight into the future of weblogs:
“I suspect that over the next few years we will see a lot of calls
suggesting that blogging has died, and I suspect that in a sense they
will be right. The act of keeping a “Weblog” as a separate entity will
become something of an anachronism. The broader world of collaborative
Web publishing will continue to grow and converge with other
technologies, including IM and e-mail. Imagine asking someone today if
they are an “e-mailer.” That question made sense, among a certain
group, 15 years ago, when you weren't sure if someone had e-mail or
not. I have a feeling that the production of public media — whether in
the form of Weblogs, wikis, collaboratively filtered lifelogs, or some
form that I am too shortsighted to predict — will be the moving force
of a new era.”
yep, alex hits the head on the nail, once again 😉 read more for other insightes