Wed, 29 Sep 2004 22:26:10 GMT
Disney and Ford, together forever. I've always despised Walt Disney's vision of social order, and Henry Ford was no better, so I guess it's only suiting that the Henry Ford Museum will be collaborating with Disney Imagineering to create a travelling exhibit on the architecture and design of Disneyland.

traced back to Walt Disney himself and his first visit to Greenfield Village,
part of The Henry Ford, in 1940. He was so taken with Henry Ford's vision of
an idealized American village, he returned eight years later. These trips and
visits to other destinations and fairs across the country helped Walt frame
the concept of a 'Family Park' that would become Disneyland.”

Although the Henry Ford – “the place where authentic American people, places and things captivate and inspire” – conveniently neglects the history of Ford workers, they do have Buckminster Fuller's Dymaxion House and the Ford-made limousine in which JFK was assassinated.

And, because it's important to know thy enemy, I'd go see the architecture and design exhibit. (via) [Purse Lip Square Jaw]
interesting stuff….. more people should be thinking of this…. especially in terms of autos. Andrew Garnar wrote a great thesis related to this….