Takara Walkiebits Robot Turtles
Takara Walkiebits Robot Turtles:
These tiny turtle ‘Walkiebits’ from Takara aren’t much more evolved than the wind-up walking toys Japan loves so well. They do have one new trick, though: you can tap a rhythm out on their shell—up to 15 raps—and the turtles will walk to that beat. Okay, not that impressive, but the 5 centimeter robots are only $13 (and might even show up in the US, as Takara is pretty good about exporting here).
Takara Walkiebits 5cm robots [TechJapan]
walking turtles…..
these are ssssssssssssooooooooooooooo
cute i love turtles so much
these are sooo cute i love turtles so much
how do i order them i love them
these turtles are very cute i was wondering how i could make theses
i love these little robot turtle people. they’re just amazing and they make my day. They need to come to America because if they dont i will go to japan steal one and then come back to america.