hyperlinked society
Joseph Turow is asking a bunch of questions about links and hyperlinks. No one has assembled the powers that be in regards to links before? I’m pretty sure that isn’t the case, given the focus of hypertext conferences.
the social processes of hyperlinks? to what extent is the hyperlink a working principle in the social world. in my mind, the link is a jump or a break that moved.
Vertical search portals, Healthline .com as an expert on links. Inbound links that occur on our site that send things to us vs go away from us. Search engine marketing– the buying of links from google and yahoos and other companies. Which links and how they are presented to the user. Search engine optimizaiton, the attempt to get ‘free traffic’ As part of a contract, they provide a link to them. The feeling of reciprocity. LInks from individual bloggers…. interesting, he didn’t talk about web authors other than
An API, a rest that pauses that makes it seem as if there has been a link… Circulating people through high value areas of a site. A responsibility for who we link to. We have a white list of people that we link to. We should include them, expose them, and then as advertise supported, they include those specifically to make money.
Underscore marketing… a journalist and a blogger. A turning point in the hyperlinks history… the advent of google. ‘google bought relevence back to search?’
link spam… yes it is a problem…
if page a links to page b, then within that context, page a is voting for page b. there is alot of social value in links. a citation, a vote of confidence, a handoff to send an idea to someone else. on the business side, they want the link in the value to be found.
I wonder if being remembered is more important than being found.
spamblogs and the value of hyper links. Spam bl
microsoft… what the interaction should be… so they are considering alternative models of interaction through hyperlinks. he works on trying to understanding the economic model. a very broad view of hyperlinking. Moved into vr and the web later. add-funded software? putting ads throughout software systems. stepping into the areas in ways that are commercial. to provide value to both consumer and advertiser and in the least doesn’t enfuriate the consumer.
microsoft is an ‘ecosystem’ company…..
Rosen:Raymond Williams– “There are no masses, there only ways of seeing people as masses”
Rosen:The age of mass media has lasted about 300 years. The art and science has advanced tremendously during that time…..
reformulating the mass into what. baudrillard spoke about the death of the mass media in the 70’s. . the thing is that there are no masses.
rosen: the internet is efficient at cutting through layers of masses. It is changing the balance of power in the media world. it became more real when he started blogging himself.
i’d use the term transversality. to what extent is transversalitty
Rosen: I didn’t really understand what instapundit was until i spent about an hour. The surface that you see is only meaningful because of all of the surfaces behind it that you don’t see. He seems to see the merit of disintermediation of blogs. He bypasses the gatekeepers. For him, linking has been powerfully associated with intellectual freedom and the decline of certain kinds of gatekeepers and his own abilities as an academic to reach all kinds of people who otherwise would not know his work. It took him a while to realize the importance of search in relation to his links.
We’ve known for years that links transform the relationship of readers to what is being read.
the network neutrality question is the first question.
there is just no way that ‘this is what the masses want. we’ll find a way to work around it. ….
Rosen: I’ve had the perception that this blogging world, this democratic world, won’t last, or can’t last. they won’t let us keep doing this, we are too free.
Valuing the link is google’s greatest virtue. The ethic of the link is that we link to that which we disagree. We value the discussion, we value things that matter. in the link world, the link creates a value.
will we lose the faith in the system of links?
The act of consumption is now the act of creation… that is baudrillard’s consummativity…
link begging does not work… we are in the end talking about traffic….
three reasons people blog from mcsoft
1. for their personal network.
2. fame
3. fortune……
hmmm, i don’t actually blog for those reasons, well… if you can call this a blog… The reason that i blog is that i like to put my ‘stamp’ on things that i think are worth noting in the world.
Rosen: The easiest way to get a link is to talk about my blog and its work.
In sort, a link is reputation creation.
question: how do i know which one to value in relation to link, placed links and advertising links? how do i know what is relevant.
sometimes we need the human filter. irrellvant stuff is ‘killing the blogosphere’
what is the intent of the person behind a link….?
The web architecture is links. -weinberger
we have a couple different uses of links. there is a dichotomy-ways for people to connect 1to1, then the commercial use of links…
noise…. has value too
digital id doesn’t mean that you have to identify yourself
Josh Greenberg. – embed microformats that explains relationships
rosen: it would be great to have an urgency measure. a triple underline….
immediacy is very important for blog search….
A real time summary.
I’m happy that you’re there and all. Safe and sound. But what a yawn-fest. Sure, someone cares about all this. But… sigh. That said, “sometimes we need the human filter. irrellvant stuff is ‘killing the blogosphere’” is interesting. As usual there is the taken for granted assumption that the purpose is “relevance”, that any realisitic % of the folks blogging give a flying fuck about the blogosphere, and that people who are meta-bloggers are in touch, really care about or are cared about by the blogging community at large. Seems like information science echos of what I heard at SXSW in 2003 when the journalists were trying to figure out how to bring the broadcast hegemony into focus over the ‘blogging problem’. I guess there’s not much reflection on what we wanted the internet to be pre-95.