/Message: Edglings: A Well-Ordered Humanism and The Future Of Everything

/Message: Edglings: A Well-Ordered Humanism and The Future Of Everything:
Here’s some thoughts on the emerging characteristics of web culture: the glue that holds Edglings — and through them, everything else — together:

Centroids Edglings

Work and Politics

Top-down, authoritarian Bottom-up, egalitarian


Objective, Impartial Subjective, Partial


Hierarchies Networks


Nuclear Post-nuclear networks

Political scope

Nationalism Regionalism


Mainstream Participative


Monocultural Multicultural


Exploitative, Unsustainable Restorative, Sustainable


Centralized, Dogmatic, Outside of Nature Decentralized, Enigmatic, Nature based

These facets of society are arrayed in no particular order, and are strongly mutually reinforcing. They share, at the core, a strong predisposition to reject centralized authority, whether in business, goverment, media, or religion. The web allows us to change all the major axes of life, and to work our way onto a substantively different cultural ethos than what has preceded it, specifically the structures of life and work that have been thrown up by the industrial revolution and its aftermath.

stowe boyd has some insights into a phenomenal he calla ‘edgelings’… to me it looks remarkably like postmodernity combined with a more personal informationalism and consumerism.