This panel is located at the interface between social studies of science and technology and the emerging area of ‘software studies.’ Code, from binary machine language to its readable form, takes on numerous powers in the information society. It structures, orders, and governs relationships between humans and amongst technologies, allowing certain actions while preventing others. […]
Read MoreThis paper presents the theory that software code and the practice of coding is a system of communication above and beyond the code itself. It posits that the language and practices of coding are a method that allows knowledge and culture to move from one cultural milieu to another, and creates through that movement, a […]
Read MoreIn this paper, I argue that Information Schools are on the cusp of a very difficult transition. The ubiquity of information is pervading previously disciplinary endeavors. Not only is computing found in all disciplines, both in general use, but also in fields such as Humanities computing, Social Science computing/E-Social Science, Biological systems computing, but so […]
Read MoreInternet Research is research that investigates the way individuals, communities, and nations, use computer network technologies and the interconnections those technologies provide in their everyday lives as parents, researchers, workers, entertainers, institutions, governments or whatever they were, are or are becoming. It is an expansive field for research and has become accepted Since its first […]
Read MoreFounded in Bataille’s theory of the general economy as descriptive of a general theory of organizations, this paper relates Bataille’s conceptions of knowledge and non-knowledge to his conception of evil in order to reconstruct the importance of excess to the production of subjectivities, both good and evil, in organizations. In reading contemporary organizational thought through […]
Read MoreTowards Archiving a Generative Culture: the Australian Creative Resources Online project. This paper explores the possibilities of moving beyond the archiving of digital objects as fixed and unchanging reference points for culture and demonstrates that we can archive those cultural objects but we must also archive the mutations that cultural objects go through as they […]
Read MoreIn What is Democracy, Alain Touraine presents a theory of the constitutive necessities for a capitalist democracy. This paper argues that Open Source as a property system based in licensing parallels and extends the Touraine’s theory and in that matter enables more fully the theory of equality found there, but it moves the property relationships […]
Read More“A code is a tool well known to lawyers in the sense of a set of texts which have the force of law”[1]. Digital objects as internet objects are codes in that they are a set of texts that have the force of law, as objects created in the world, but also as as text […]
Read MoreIf the idea is for universities to be involved in the development and dissemination of knowledge in the face of the increasingly burdensome intellectual property regimes, then one way to accomplish this goal is to open the systems of knowledge at its point of origination. The argument of this essay is that for development to […]
Read MoreSee the happy idiot He doesn’t give a damn. I wish I were an idiot. My God! Perhaps I am. from
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