Put the “public” back in the public domain Lawrence Lessig is looking for a few good congressmen:   The idea is a simple one: Fifty years after a work has been published, the copyright owner must pay a $1 maintanence fee. If the copyright owner pays the fee, then the copyright continues. If the owner […]
Read More2nd IEEE Intl Workshop on Wireless and Mobile Technologies in Education (WMTE 2003) JungLi, Taiwan December 8-10, 2003 http://lttf.ieee.org/wmte2003/ Theme: “Mobile Support for Learning Communities” ** Important dates: Submissions due: June 16, 2003 Notification of acceptance: August 1, 2003 Final articles due: September 1, 2003 Author registration deadline: September 1, 2003 Workshop: December 8-10, 2003 […]
Read MoreAlarmist? You bet! Ding ding ding ding!. “First they came for the Greens…” Texas' proposed “Animal and Ecological Terrorism Act,” which its backers are hoping to extend nationally, is the next step after Patriot Acts I and II. The president of the Center for Constitutional Rights says the legislation criminalizes “basically every environmental and animal-rights […]
Read Morehttp://kmi.open.ac.uk/projects/akt/MnM MnM is an annotation tool which provides both automated and semi-automated support for annotating web pages with semantic contents. MnM integrates a web browser with an ontology editor and provides open APIs to link MnM to ontology servers and for integrating MnM with information extraction tools. MnM works with a number of representation languages, […]
Read MoreSID2003 CALL FOR PARTICIPATION Social Intelligence Design International Conference Royal Holloway, University of London 6-8 July 2003 Conference website: http://www.rhul.ac.uk/Management/News-and-Events/conferences/SID2003/ This is the second workshop on the subject of social intelligence design focused on the significance of information technology in our lives, work, home, and on the move. In this workshop we consider Social Intelligence […]
Read MoreWag the dog?. The alleged truth about how Private Jessica Lynch was saved. This is a pretty amazing story, coming originally from the BBC and now a front page story on the Guardian. There's a program on it on BBC on Sunday. Story courtesy of Karlin Lillington, where I picked it up. [MetaFilter] oh yes, […]
Read MoreThe Personality Forge. The Personality Forge. Create an AI bot, and set it loose. [MetaFilter] this somewhat follows the model that i and probably millions by now have thought could work, which is intelligence through simulation.
Read MoreIs that a FireHose in your pocket, or are you glad to store me?. It looks like a public mailbox, but Marc says Gizmodo says it's a 2,000 GB (two terrabyte, no?) FireWire drive. The challenge: try to find out anything about it, or to buy it. While we're off the subject, this looks cool […]
Read MoreStudent Loan Debt. Is student loan debt destroying your life? Loan indebtedness has increased 66% since 1997. It's hard to feel too sorry for Yale Law grads making $100,000+, but I know real people with salaries in the mid-40s making payments in the range of $1600/mo. (And that's over 30 years.) When will policymakers realize […]
Read MoreBrain Development. Reading – Brain Development and why school is in such trouble. Some conclusions: In Chaos Theory, we know that “Initial Conditions” are important. This graph shows us why. Only 150 word difference at 2 drives over time a huge differential. The effort to change these trajectories builds on a log scale. We can […]
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