This Is Dave Barry's Brain on Blog. Darn – Dave Barry is finally blogging, but there's no RSS feed because he's on Blogspot. [The Shifted Librarian] I like Dave Barry.
Open and free global registry of doctoral dissertations in progress. OLDaily: PhdData. Still being developed, PhdData intends to be an open and free global registry of doctoral dissertations in progress. By Daniel Vainstub, January 26, 2003 [Refer][Research][Reflect] [Mathemagenic] this, i think is a bad thing, a very bad thing. this is because it operates on […]
Read MoreThe Ecology of Open Source Software. A new paper on Open Source Software development. [Kieran Healy's Weblog] I have a paper flying around called the network ecology of open source software. I'll be reading this paper.
Read MoreAlgorithmic and Generative Art. “GoogleSynth uses the Google Image Search thingy to randomly grab two images as the 'input' and 'target' images for the algorithm. Once it has two images it applies the algorithm with the parameters set by the user and produces a new image based on them. The results vary wildly, often the […]
Read Moretoast me… i say you've got to toast me!. “i am arogon, son of alfred.” it's nothing shocking to hear that europe is being flooded with asian-made bootlegs of the two towers. but who would have thought the sub-titled translations would prove so hilariously incorrect and occasionally inappropriate? [MetaFilter] if i were to buy one, […]
Read MoreSo there is this story over at yahoo from newsfactor. It is about tech certifications. I've frequently threatened to pursue such things, though I've avoided it in the end. In any case, they've discovered some somewhat interesting things. Such as people with certifications generally get paid a fair amount, though it is unclear about how […]
Read MoreWell I finally registered Radio, but not without a few problems. I couldn't get the registration to work with either linux or osx with mozilla or safari. This caused some delay, but not much. Last night, the kind people @ Radio sent me a method of registering which worked just fine.
Read MoreBeautiful summary of track back applications. by Ben Hammersley… [BookBlog] i wonder if is should implement such a system…
Read MoreA patent on footnotes. Ross Mayfield reports that the SBC's is claiming a patent on website navigation, via BoingBoingSBC is claiming that it holds… [BookBlog] so this is another patent that needs to be busted, lets just think here, how about wordstart 5.1 that did this, would that break the patent?
Read MoreDistributed Book Club. DJ Adams has created a distributed book club application that “finds if anyone has been talking about any of your… [BookBlog] nifty, lots of neat books that could be talked about.
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